[center][h2][color=a0410d]Fe-Congro[/color][/h2][/center] [h3][color=a0410d]Rauta[/color][/h3] [quote=DFTBA / Suavo] Why don't you both come back to my tent with me, and we can have this conversation over a few cups of bula juice? [/quote] "[color=a0410d]Sure, I'll come along, for a chat[/color]" [color=a0410d]Rauta[/color] Followed [color=9d00f7]Suavo[/color] to the tent while marveling how well the festival was coming together. stopping on the way to get some fried dikapi leg and then hurriedly caught up to the others, already eating his food. When they arrive to the tent he felt awestruck as he never imagined to coming to a place like this.