[@White Feather] Name:Jazmine (no family name) Age:Frozen at 17 Gender:Female Race:Vampiric Dark Elf Side:Unaligned, but prefers the light Weapons(s):a silver cane ending in a snakes head and a gold pocket watch on a long chain, her claws and teeth Abilities/Powers: super strength, enhanced healing and a shadow form where she loses some portion of her sanity to gain control over shadows Talent(s):Excellent at pickpocketing and breaking locks, also a skilled tailor Personality:Generally cold and lonely but opens up to those she trusts, quite forgetful and more than a little clumsy Biography:Her memory of her life before she turned is a haze, she only remembers stealing and killing to survive while trying to avoid various monster hunters and adventurers Extras: is quite short at 5"3', has waist length silver hair and red eyes which turn purple whenever she uses her shadow powers, she generally wears quite fine clothing although she is very poor and more often than not had to steal it or the materials required to make it There's my character submission, is there anything I should change or add?