Elaine arched an eyebrow at the attempt by one of the newcomers to explain himself in depth, and the subsequent dressing down by Cecilia. His emphasis on battle management and support turned the thought in her that she would likely end up working a lot with the new pilots; her own role of reconnaissance and observation was very much along the same lines. Between them, they'd likely end up providing most of the tactical picture for the rest of the unit while on the field. Hopefully, though, he'd be a bit more assured and competent while they were under the guns of the 'bad guys' out in the real world. Everyone seemed to be filing out and heading for the FRAME hangar, with little else left to say. Taking it as her cue to do the same, the redheaded pilot followed her comrades down the corridors and passages of the landship to the cathedral-like space that the machines occupied. Everyone set to work adjusting and checking their machines. It was a slight shock as Bernards' FRAME opened up to reveal him looking sleep-dishevelled inside the cockpit and greeting everyone. Elaine simply shook her head and gave a smirk toward the fellow pilot, adding a wave of acknowledgement. She climbed up into her machine, fondly named 'Raven' and with a stylised image of the bird by the same name on one shoulder. She didn't close the hatch, but instead powered up the onboard computer systems for a self-test, and began to run through checklists, preferences and checks, making sure links were clear and established between her machine and the others, and also back to the ship. Likewise, she ran diagnostics on all onboard systems and weapons; no use being caught short in the field, and even if the techs had checked everything, double-checking was always worthwhile, and she liked having the piece of mind of knowing it was done. As she worked, she glanced up and looked around at the others; they showed a range of reactions. Some eager to get into the fight, other showing cautious and measured approaches to their preparation. How much of that would show once they were out and into the thick of things? She was curious to see how it would go.