[hider=Lucia Malena Scordia (Segreti)] [center][img]http://pre15.deviantart.net/e9e6/th/pre/f/2015/043/d/2/monica_bellucci_by_bofeng-d8hovtp.jpg[/img] [h2][color=B22222]Lucia Malena Scordia (Segreti)[/color][/h2] [b]Age[/b]: 23 [b]Alignment/Position[/b]: Neutral, Informant. [b]Preferred Dialogue Color[/b]: [color=B22222]B22222[/color] [b]Height[/b]: 5'5" [b]Weight[/b]: 126 lb. [b]Appearance[/b]: Lucia is a curvaceous woman with an hourglass body shape. She has brown eyes and shoulder length dark brown wavy hair. [b]General Apparel[/b]: Lucia favors well-tailored clothes in muted colors, often black or grey. Her style can be described as feminine, tasteful and timeless. An example of something she would wear is an off the shoulder top paired with form fitting jeans and high heeled boots. [b]Lifestyle Notes[/b]: She lives in the house of her late husband, Marco Scordia. It is a stately mansion, with lavish furnishing to show off their wealth. Lucia is the only resident of the household. [b]Location[/b]: A mansion in the Residential District [b]Afflictions[/b]: Lucia is in mourning for both her mother and husband. It affects her mood and mental wellbeing. She lives by the day, surviving would be a better word [b]Likes[/b]: The occult, nature, religion, family, cooking, Italian food [b]Dislikes[/b]: : Corruptness, betrayal, selfishness, ignorance, meat [b]Fears[/b]: Being alone in the world [b]Superhuman Ability and Description[/b]: Clairvoyance, the power of "clear seeing" This power covers a very wide range of capabilities. The user can gain a direct visual information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the user's physical sight and allows them to act when they are unable to use their eyes. Clairvoyance is not limited by time. Lucia is able to gaze into the past and future as well as the seven planes of existence which includes the astral plane, the home of all spirits and immaterial beings. She has little to no control over much of her power and uses a deck of cards to both augment and trigger her clairvoyance. It is very much up to the Universe/God or whatever one would call it to allow her clairvoyance to function. What she is able to control is her auric sight. It allows her to see the aura of humans. The aura is a normally invisible field of energy that surrounds every living thing. She can use it to sense emotions, health, power levels, and see the thought forms attached to the aura. Thought forms are clouds of thought/spiritual energy which depending on their color and shape tell her what's on her targets mind, but not their exact thoughts. For example a pink cloud represents affection, an exploding cloud of red means anger etc. [b]History:[/b] Lucia was born and raised in a traditional Italian family. The sole daughter of a happily married couple, or at least they seemed that way to outsiders. The Segreti family had many secrets among their members, some were passed down for generations, burdening the young generation with their weight. Included amongst them were painful events like the abuse of children, a crime of passion, deceit and betrayal. Yet there was also the great occult legacy into which she was initiated. Lucia's mother wanted a better life for her daughter, one free of all this. She along with Lucia's grandmother supported the young girl in everything she did. Her childhood was carefree and happy. Sadly history often repeats itself and Lucia soon learned of the dark past of the Sergreti family. Then at the age of 19 she married Marco Scordia, who came from a family with a past to match hers. Their similar upbringing is what drew them together. Marco was a wealthy man of sordid business. He was well known in the Underworld of the city. In the year she turned 23 tragedy struck Lucia's life. Her mother who had been suffering from lung cancer lost her battle after three long years. She had little time to grieve and cope with her loss when her husband was assassinated only a month after. There was not a shred of evidence to be found and a whole list of suspects. Lucia now crippled by grief tries to continue with her life. She maintains her position as an informant to any and all who seek answers but she knows grief muddles her clairvoyance, so she is picky in deciding if and who she gives information to. Follower/Gang Information: - [/center][/hider]