[hr] [center][color=9e0b0f][h1] Jack Campbell [/h1][/color][/center] [hr] He sat on the roof of the barn, a stack of shingles next to him, some shingle nails and a hammer in his hand. He set another shingle in place, positioned a nail and tapped it down, before hammering it the rest of the way. For some reason the air was especially nippy this morning. He pulled his jacket closer, and continued down the line. He'd pull a shingle then replace it with a new one. It was boring and tedious work. It seemed a lot of the others were playing baseball, but he no longer held interest in team sports. He hammered another nail, the sound sent him into an episode. He was sprawled out on the ground, enemy artillery coming down on top of them. The trench was too far behind him, and yet the enemy position was the only thing for cover in front of him. The sound of the German death guns roaring all around him. His rifle clutched firmly in his hands, his heart was thumping and pumping so loudly that he could hardly think. To his right his best friend was in a similar position, he gave him a small nod and they both got to their feet. Their boots carrying them over the muddy terrain. And then he was back. He sucked in the cold air, he was sweating profusely. His hammer was held with both hands and he was sprawled out on the roof. His heart was racing, he felt the shame creep up afterwards. He sat up, and looked around. He ended up knocking off a few of the shingles and a good handful of the nails. He stood up. maintaining his balance he moved towards the the ladder which gain him access to the roof. He shimmied down and began to look for the nails. He picked up a few off the bat, but ended up squatting in place searching for more of them. He pulled out a flask from the inner jacket pocket and snuck a sip then returned it to its hiding spot. He finished looking, collecting all but one or two. He grabbed the shingles and headed upwards. He nailed down a few more before stopping to watch the others. At this moment Bill had knocked one out of the park. He chuckled to himself. Jack ran out of nails and climbed back down. He hooked the hammer into the carpenters belt he wore as he headed back to the main house. A majority of the roof had been finished, between yesterday afternoon and this morning.