Seth began to run again, even though it was a bunch of high school prat kids who he could probably hit once and have them run away, and headed back to his apartment after winding around a block or two and jumping a fence. He locked his door, sighing and putting his saxophone back. He peeked outside to see if the kids were still on his tail, and luckily they weren't. Seth slowly opened the door, coughing and taking a few deep breaths. "Bloody hell... I didn't expect them to be so persistent!" Seth said to himself as he checked around the block to see if they were gone. He looked back at his apartment door for a second, debating whether or not he should just go back inside and sleep for the rest of the day, but he decided to walk some more. Not around the neighborhood that he was chased in, though. He walked up to the Mt. Ebott Hiking Trail, looking up at the mountain. He looked at his shoes, shaking his head and walking to the nearest sports warehouse to get some hiking shoes. He grabbed a nice, cheap pair for about $20, and put them on, coming back to the hiking trail. He walked up the mountain and saw a metallic black thing hanging in the air with an exhaust trail behind it. He decided it was best to not go near it when he saw it also had an arm cannon and a lot of spikes, and walked around it instead, picking up his pace.