[Center] [color=crimson][h3]NPC'S [/h3] [/color] [/center] Creatures summoned by the Guild for different purposes-all reside in the city of Mannaz, some venture to other places and return. Whilst same stay there. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/49/46/4c/49464c6f47e7031b5eae50c1ce15734f.jpg[/img] Irvetta, Queen of the Naga Clan. Naga ~ 150 years Old Prefers sea over land~stuck on land for the time being. [u][b]Powers/Skills: [/b][/u] Ability to grown legs Can grow 2 more pairs of arms and hands Snake heads- the snakes on her head spit or hiss poison at enemies. She also has a snake's tongue, which is laced with poison. *only works when she's in her Naga form.* Enhanced Senses Combat: Armed *with two swords, knives*~ Master [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/8e/6c/2e/8e6c2ea01a84c036ccd2a8a0492764de.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f1/c6/02/f1c602c686c564addb8dbb87b9ea180a.jpg[/img] Thaola and Respen Sea Elves ~ Ages are unknown Cousins to land-dwelling Elves *don't posses many magical abilities like their cousins* [u][b]Skills/Powers:[/b][/u] Skilled fighters with Spears, Tridents and Nets under-sea Ability to write under water Creation of water-proof objects Some are known to be spell casters~ extremely skilled over their years of life. [img]https://charlottehoatherblog.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/mermaids.jpg[/img] Corelia and Ariela Water Nymphs *Mermaids* ~ Age is Unknown Prefer water over land~ forced to live on land by the Guild [u][b]Skills/Powers:[/b][/u] Have pair of legs on land~ some are not that good at walking. It takes a while for them to master that skill, due to their long lives under water. Luring innocents with their singing Enhanced senses Can grow sharp fangs Experts at Swimming For special use/reference with [@drpepper]