After a little bit of healing magic, I was back on my feet, and I headed right for where the girl ran. Sure enough, she seemed to be waiting for me, and, sure enough, King Fuffysomething was there, too... as was Mettaton, though, it seems like he got an upgrade or two since I've last seen him. "Uh... hello, everybody!... wait, Mettaton... am I on TV? Is this a set that I just busted into and disrupted... I'm sorry," I then looked around and wondered since when the king-gardener was an actor... or, maybe he always was, and he never was a gardener to begin with. Of course, I still haven't seen whatever show he's on, so, maybe he busted into the set, too. [i]Mettaton can get real brave with this stuff... using a real town, and not telling anyone about it... maybe he EXPECTED this... nah, that doesn't seem right.[/i] I think as I nervously get closer to the unidentified girl who bore some resemblance to Frisk. "Uh... are you okay? I can heal you if you're in trouble..." I ask her, as it appears as if she met the same, tree-based fate that I have a few feet back. That being said, humans were made of tougher stuff than monsters, so, for all I know, this would be like hitting me with a marshmallow, or a cotton ball, and I just sounded like some sort of worrywart asking her if she's alright. I then tried to keep out of frame, or, at least, where I imagined the frame would be in a show like this... for example, Fluffywhoever was right in the middle of it, and covered the left half of where I imagined Mettaton was shooting his show. Mystery girl was on the right side, so, I stepped to the right just to avoid being seen by whatever cameras he's got set up. Funny thing, I'm not too nervous around people and monsters normally, but, once cameras are involved, I can't seem to do anything other than stay away from it, or wherever I think 'it' might be.