Erion moved forwards, staying near David as he walked near the girl. He then look at Asgore, and then felt... strange. A shiver went down his spine right now, as he had a small flicker in his vision of something... He shook his head a bit. Must be him seeing things. He looked at the girl. "That must have hurt...." he says frowning, before looking forwards. He then look towards Mettaton and then Asgore. "I am guessing something important goign on here? I... would be asking if any of you guys have clues on where Frisk is... With how people been reacting to monsters lately..." he says worried a bit. He then shivers again from what he saw, feeling... watched. He knew some monsters that came up before from underground were ghosts, but this... this felt stranger and more... well, lets just say it felt unnatural more then any magic. "And anyone else here has the feeling of being... watched?" he says. [hr] Celes arrived at the forest entrance, where a path was already made. She felt like just going to take a walk and relax for now, having gotten a lot of work lately and needing some time off. The sound of the forest, the smell of the fresh air all around her. It felt very liberating for her. She remembered back underground, where they did not see the sun at all. Not much nature could grow down there too much, except for those form lights from the core or other things. She shook her head as she kept moving, going down the path, listening, relaxing right now, her hands in her pocket as she looks around the trees that the nature. This was truly a blessing for them. She just hoped that this peace could continue. She then saw something at a distance that seemed to be a robot with a arm cannon and a exhaust trail behind it. She hid when she saw that, curious, but worried. Something about that thing seemed really... familiar, but she could not make out what at this distance.