Asgore shook for a second, a chill going down his spine, he looked around with fear in his eyes, everything was dark, he couldn't see his hand in front of his face. Then, a light, a yellow light, Gaster was there, standing cloaked, he was smiling, but... he was deformed... his face was now... different. He held out a hand, but Asgoree was forced back, unable to come close to him, he slammed into a tree, and Asgore's eyes slowly closed, and he fell unconscious. [hr] Mettaton didn't move, he simply felt... bad, for the first time in his life... He looked at his left hand, a quizzical look on his face. Unbeknownst to him, ratings spiked due to this drama, but Mettaton didn't care... Alphys was like family, and now he'd hurt her. [h1]CRASH![/h1] Mettaton was snapped back into reality by the sound of Asgore being slammed into a tree by an unknown force... unknown to anyone but him. His eyes were made by Alphys to be able to detect those who couldn't be seen normally, but even he wasn't able to see it, he was however, able to see an area that broke up his camera, about the size of Asgore, standing where Asgore once was, he was barely able to make it out as a cloaked figure... though he wasn't sure what it was. [color=ed1c24]"DARLINGS, WE APPEAR TO HAVE VISITORS FROM A DIFFERENT REALM!"[/color] Mettaton yelled from above. He looked with concern at Asgore, before dropping down in front of him. [color=ed1c24]"WHOEVER THAT WAS!"[/color] He struck out his arms to each side, also spreading his legs. [color=ed1c24]"YOU HAVE COMMITED TREASON! YOUR REWARD! IS AN ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS DEATH!"[/color] Mettaton pointed his blaster at the anomaly. [img][/img] [url=]Battle begins![/url]