[@shadowsaint007] John looked up as Gabe moved up and spoke loudly. "New plan is just to get these slaves out while Par detracts the guards" He said quickly and waved his hand towards the holding block. "Right there." John knelt down "There is a series of four halls next to each other, we can go down each hall, we need to be quick though because they have hounds, we can outrun some fat slave owners, but not a bloodhound." He paused and looked back over at the hill. "We can meet with Par and curve back over the hill" He paused again "This. This all needs to be done in a matter of at most 15 minutes or the auto alarm will go off that tracks the slaves, we need to be long gone by then if we don't want to be out numbered 100 to one" He looked back to Gabe. "but we will that hell of a good shot for any straggling guards. Good?" he patted him on the shoulder.