[img]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y28/anime_vicky/Valkyrie%20logo%20self%20made_zpsqlnkwmth.png[/img] [img]http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj272/DCGameFreak/DCMarvel/IronManLogo.png~original[/img] “Agent Parrington?” The SHIELD agent carefully approached Sigyn after the nasty argument she had with General Ross. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but you’re needed in the medical area, Tony Stark has just been brought in and has severe damage from an altercation with Tarene.” The agent informed her. Victoria’s head lifted upward to regard the SHIELD agent. “Tarene?” Where had she heard that name before? Back in Asgard she suspected. Nostalgia and distant memories were becoming all too frequent, she wished they’d just stop. She then realised they were on about her friend, Tony, she had to get up help. Despite feeling slightly weakened, she jumped out of her bed and changed into her SHIELD uniform that she wore around base and headed straight for the medical bay with haste. “No seriously is this considered international grounds?” Tony asked as he was wheeled on his stretcher into the medical bay. The agents who were bringing him in looked like they couldn’t wait to get away from the 19 year old CEO. Which they were finally able to when they put Tony at his part of the area. By now his broken and mangled arm was a deep red and turning purple, and his waist was blue. Both of which were almost starting to get numb from all the pain he had felt with them. Tony sighed frustrated as he waited on the stretcher by himself. “Jesus Christ Tony! What in the Hell happened to you?!” Came a familiar female voice from the doorway as she walked in, all clad in black leather resembling Black Widow’s attire. She sighed and folded her arms looking at the state of her younger friend. This was going to take some work… Completely relieved to see his friend Victoria Tony relaxed just a bit letting his head lay down into the small pillow under it. “Oh I learned that crazy women with hammers don’t take to listening very well.” Tony remarked as he was looking upwards at the ceiling lights. “Especially when said hammer can break through every conceivable metal possible on someone’s Iron Man suit. Never try to grab weird hammers being thrown at you, that's the moral for the day.” Tony noted with a wise nodding of his head. Agent Parrington walked over to his bedside and peered down at him with her slightly sparkling blue eyes, with her head tilted slightly. She was confused. “A hammer..? A hammer that can break through anything?” It sounded similar to Dragonfang’s characteristics. After all, the two weapons were siblings. Her thoughts wandered back to the man in a red cape wielding a hammer, who had a sort of brotherly feeling to him. “No no not… whatever it is you just said it was…” Tony tried to recall what he heard her saying to Loki. “Mlojir? Mlonor? Mlonir? Something like that. Anyways not to ruin this nice conversation but can we get on with making my arm not a mangled muscle and bone stew anymore please?” Tony asked gesturing to it. [i]‘Mjolnir…’[/i] The name rang a bell, she knew it. She nodded down at Tony and began to lift her arms out over him and a gentle warming light emanated from her hands and down into his mangled arm and his broken bones, slowly the light spread throughout his entire body, making him feel a little warm and fuzzy inside. “And Pepper? Is she alright?” She asked with concern written on her face. She hoped she was not caught in the crossfire, having just began her new job as his secretary today. “Oh God yeah that’s the stuff…” Tony muttered as already he started to feel much better in his arm. “You know when you’re done with this whole SHIELD business you know what you should do? Learn messaging and that kind of work. You’d make millions. Not to mention I would totally hire you on a weekly basis. If not bi-weekly. I’m not hard to please.” Tony rambled a bit as he felt life slipping back into his arm. Letting out a breath of relief. “Pepper and James are perfectly fine. Hell Pepper actually helped save my stupid ass. Seriously already very happy hiring her as my secretary.” Tony noted. A small chuckle escaped Victoria’s lips. She then realised that she had a friend who made her laugh. Although she did not see him very often, when she did, he was a delight to be around. Despite what everyone else thought, she thought him to be sweet and endearing as a person. She looked past his arrogance and irritating habits that put off most people and she could never feel intimidated by his intelligence, because she knew that if he tried any of his smartass alecks he knew he would get a serious beat down. “I’m glad they’re okay. But how did-...I mean….WHY did this happen to you? What was this Tarene even after from you? Not the suit…right?” She inquired curiously. Thinking back Tony was able to feel his arm start to really come back around to normal. Even able to clinch his hand into a fist again. “Well she wanted our company’s satellite systems to track down Loki. You know that guy from the party not long ago? Well I told her in my nicest tone how she could go screw herself. She didn’t like that and we started fighting. The suit sucked royally but thankfully Loki showed up and talked her out of messing me up any further. When the rest of your SHIELD buddies showed up she surrendered and I guess is being put into whatever maximum security crazy lady room you guys have.” Tony was happy to see the guy come and save his butt. Though in a much more ideal work his piece of crap armor wouldn’t have failed him so quickly and he wouldn’t have needed it. “I….see….” Her blue eyes seemed to glow brighter and she blinked taking it all in. It was obvious something bothered her. She thought back to how Amora had painted Loki in a bad light, yet here he was again saving the day again. Victoria looked to the side a little sadly. She didn’t know how she felt anymore, she was lost and confused. But she knew one thing was for certain, she felt all alone without anyone to explain to her what to do. All her life she had followed orders but Amora made her realise she could make her own choices, could live her own life, free of all this hurt and pain. She looked back down to Tony and her arms fell down to her sides at having healed him over completely, she felt a little dizzy having just recovered from Team X’s beating. She had to grab onto the nearby side table to prevent herself from falling over. She waited for the dizzy spell to pass. When Victoria almost fell over Tony quickly sat upright on the stretcher. His newly healed arm not even on his mind anymore as his friend looked like she was going to pass out. “Victoria you okay?” Tony asked before holding his healed arm. “Jesus it wasn’t that bad was it?” He asked concerned he made her put a little too much energy into healing him. “N-no it wasn’t. I’m just a little fatigued. I...was sent in to recover the Hulk and about eight highly skilled individuals took it’s toll on me. A formidable force indeed. I think SHIELD needed more than just I to deal with them. But I held up as much as I could. They found me passed out in the Canadian rockies. I thought I was honestly, going to die out there in the freezing snow.” She mused sadly about the situation. “On the bright side, one of them called me pretty.” She let a chuckle leave her mouth as she tried to make light of the situation. But on the downside, General Ross gave her hell for ‘letting’ the Hulk get away. No-one just lets him get away, he forces himself out if need be. Tony listened in and suddenly didn’t feel so bad about his situation. As Victoria sounded like she had a Hell of a day. “Well… shit.” Tony muttered a bit clueless what to say, which considering him was impressive to pull. Letting himself sink back down onto the stretcher a bit before hopping off, pulling up a chair to sit down next to her. “Well I guess it’s probably for the best I’m getting out of this Iron Man business then I guess.” Victoria’s eyes widen at him in disbelief. “No...you can’t! That Iron Man suit is your baby. You’ve worked so hard for it to just quit now.” She protested at him in a firm voice, resembling that of an older sister. “So what if a hammer wielding crazy lady nearly tore you to shreds. Just think of what they would do to any normal person. Take from this experience, make the suit [b]better[/b].” She then gave him a warm smile. “I know you have it in you, Tony Stark.” Tony glanced over at Victoria a bit surprised by her response. After the day she just had any other reasonable person would’ve told him to get as far away from this kind of insanity with no regrets. Victoria though wasn’t quite like that. Even when they were little and she wouldn’t let anything slide when she didn’t think it was right. “Well I guess I need to think about this. I don’t know if I have it in me to make this work but… that suit was pretty sweet when it did work.” Tony remarked to himself scratching the back of his head. “Then there you have it. You know the answer - never give up.” She nudged him in the shoulder gently and reassured him with a smile. Quite ironically, she was always good at giving inspiration to others but she never took her own advice. She needed to take a leaf out of her own book more than ever recently. She was sick and tired of being beat down with little appreciation that was for sure.