As Par rampaged through the fortifications of Old Man's Corner, he managed to tip a torch into a pile of dry wood, causing a burst of flames whose sparks were spread around by the wind, setting fire to a nearby barracks, and guard posts, as well as an arsenal whose weapons exploded, causing further sparks that spread the fire to the various houses of the bigger slave merchants. Seeing that he had done more damage than he initially intended, Par made his way to the outskirts of the small settlement, hoping to break out to the North Woods through the palisade - - Until a giant net, shot out of a bazooka, fell on the duo, entrapping them within its weave. Par trashed and struggled against the bindings, but it was clear that the repurposed fishing net was enough to stump even George's teeth and claws. [i]Must be some kind of Pre-War polymer[/i], the 19-year old boy thought. "Well, well, what have we here?" spoke a smug, sinister voice as a circle of footsteps came near Par and George. "An [i]ignoramus[/i] and a Yao Guai. Do you know how much damage you've done?!" Par couldn't see, but he can hear the outrage in the man's voice. Outside, Akira, who may or may not have been stalking Old Man's Corner, would see a young man, riding a Yao Guai, get caught by slavers, over a half-dozen, all heavily armed with submachine guns and wearing heavy-duty leather armor. However, they all seemed distracted by their capture, making them easy prey... [@shadowsaint007], [@Madly33], [@The_written_John]