[center][img]http://i64.tinypic.com/sd1vo6.png[/img] [hr][b][u][color=a28e90]Location:[/color][/u][/b] [i]Home > Constance Billard Main Office[/i] [b][u][color=a28e90]Interacting With:[/color][/u][/b] [i]Not Available[/i] [hr][/center] As hot water exploded from the shower head, a gasp escaped Franchesca's lips. Her stiff shoulders raised, her back hunching as her body temperature adjusted to the new element. Eventually her body relaxed as she stepped back into the stream and began drenching her dark curls. Reaching towards the shelf she pumped a handful of shampoo into her palm and worked it into her hair, creating a lather, rinsing. She repeated the same with the conditioner, but let it sit a few more moments on her head while she washed her petite body with body wash. [b]"Mi amor?"[/b] a soft voice called through the bathroom door, followed by a rattling of the door handle, and a few knocks. [color=a28e90][i]"Que? What do you want mami?"[/i][/color] Franki called in return, speaking loud enough so her mother could hear her over the sound of the shower. [b]"Just checking on you.."[/b] her mother replied, her voice trailing off. Franchesca's eyebrows furrowed slightly. She could barely take a shower in her own home without someone checking in on her or asking what she was doing. [color=a28e90][i]"Okay! I'll be done soon. I'll talk to you when I'm done!"[/i][/color] Franki spoke again, a little bit of anger in her voice. With no response, it was assumed that her mother got the hint. After finishing a morning routine of blowing out, brushing and styling her hair, Franki continued with some of her other bathroom activities; brushing teeth, applying lotion, etc. Having brought her clothes in the bathroom with her before hand Franki adorned herself with a pair of skinny jeans and a maroon fitted sweater. Fall weather in New York was always a pleasure for Franki, she loved layering clothes, the hats, the coats. Amazing. Exiting the bathroom, she made her way downstairs to the kitchen where her mother was busy cooking up something delicious. [color=a28e90][i]"Mangu?"[/i][/color] Franki questioned cheerfully as she placed her hand on her mother's shoulder, and taking a peek at the frying pan. It was indeed the delicious Dominican dish consisting of mashed plantains, and usually paired with fried eggs and salami. Getting out of the way, Franki went around the other side of the island in the kitchen and climbed up onto a stool where her mother placed a plate for her. [color=a28e90][i]"So I start my first day today!"[/i][/color] she started, as her mother gave her the food. [color=a28e90][i]"It's not a full day, just a senior assembly and some informational stuff. I have to go to the office to get some paperwork but, I'm really exited."[/i][/color] she rambled, starting to dig into her food waiting for her mother's reaction. Silence. [b]"Get good grades and don't play with boys."[/b] Franki's mother replied eventually in a lecturing tone. Unbelievable. [color=a28e90][i]"Alright mami."[/i][/color] Franki replied without much enthusiasm. She wished greatly that someone would be more excited for new adventures, rather than expecting her to do something bad. They spent rest of breakfast not speaking. Washing her plate off, she left it in the sink and gathered her umbrella and put on a pair of boots. [b]"Don't forget your backpack!"[/b] Franchesca's mother called from the kitchen. [color=a28e90][i]"No one is going to have a backpack on the first day!"[/i][/color] Franki exclaimed, embarrassed of the thought. Hearing shuffling from the kitchen, Franchesca knew better than to stay longer and end up getting caught in the crossfire of another of her mother's lectures about how thankful she should be she even HAVE a back to carry a backpack on. No thanks. Placing the backpack on her back she popped open the umbrella and headed out to her jeep. If it was any other day she have taken the bus, taxi, or even the subway. But standing out in the rain wasn't a good start to anyone's day, and Franki's nerves and excitement for starting at Constance Billard was already at an all time high. Reaching her destination she parked far away from all the luxury cars. It would cost her walking much farther, but it was something she was willing to pay to not be embarrassed later on. Taking her backpack, to honor her mother- she kept her head down and quickly headed into the school and walked into the main office that she had been shown during the first tour she had been given when her father and mother had first shown interest in the school for their daughter. A cheerful woman say behind the desk and greeted Franchesca with a grin, [b]"Welcome to Constance Billard, how can I help you?"[/b] Franki stepped up to the desk, giving an equally friendly smile. [color=a28e90][i]"I'm Franchesca Caradona, they told me I had to fill out some paperwork before the assembly this morning?"[/i][/color] she commented, and the woman nodded. Handing her a few papers, a clipboard, and a pen she motioned to a luxurious leather chair in the corner. [b]"Go ahead and fill those out, then you can head to the assembly."[/b] Franki nodded in return, and mouthed a word of thanks as she took a seat in the main office and began filling out the application forms, and various other papers the school needed for her to attend the school.