[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Claire%20Collins&name=DancingScript-Regular.ttf&size=80&style_color=FFAC75[/img][/center][hr][center][u][b]Location: [/b][/u] Collins Penthouse -> Constance Billard[/center] [center][u][b]Interacting with:[/b][/u] Celine Everhart (via text) [@Liriia] Leila Fox (via text) [@Undine][/center][hr] A myriad of dull grey lights filtered through the gaps of the drapes in the bedroom of the Collins heiress. Her small alarm clock gave a shrill cry announcing that it was now six o'clock in the morning. Claire opened her eyes reluctantly, her peaceful slumber interrupted by the din. Stretching out an arm, she hammered the top of her clock, silencing it. The silence returned, absent of the usual morning preparations by the day housekeeper. It was then that she remembered, her parents had gone to London to attend a conference, and would only be back home in the United States next week. The housekeeper, in their absence had reduced her trips to once every two days, as compared to her usual daily trips when her parents were around. She had the whole entire penthouse to herself. Oh, fun. In her sleepy state, she could still hear the pitter-patter of the rain as it struck the windows. Looks like it was going to be a wet morning. However, the heiress was not one to let that dampen her mood. Pulling the thick comfy duvet aside, Claire got to the ground, her coppery brown hair in its tousled bed-hair form. Still half-asleep, she stumbled groggily towards her en-suite toilet, splashing cold water on her face in a bid to wake herself up. It was mostly successful. The icy cold water drove sleep from her eyes, refreshing her in an instant. She needed a shower. Getting into the shower, she let the warm water slowly wake up her, the warmth easing the stiffness of her joints and muscles. That felt [i]great[/i]. She [i]needed[/i] that. When she was done with her shower, along with the rest of her morning preparations which included but not limited to brushing her teeth, Claire left her room and started to make her way to the kitchen, removing the ingredients she needed from the fridge to make herself a good breakfast. [i]Eggs and sausages[/i]. They made for a simple but lovely breakfast. An [i]all time[/i] favourite of hers. Before she started, she gave a call to Charles, the Collins family chauffeur. She had known Charles for as long as she can remember, and he has been driving her family since she was a baby. After informing him that his services was required today, she began to start on her breakfast. Not more than fifteen minutes later, scrambled eggs and sausages were ready to be eaten. When she was done with breakfast, Claire went back into her room to get dressed for the occasion. They didn't had to wear their uniform today, which meant that she got to wear something else to school for a change. In normal circumstances she would drive her Beetle to school, but today, she was just way too excited to rely on her driving. The Heiress opened her closet, beginning her selection of clothes for the day. It was senior assembly day and she would get to see her friends again today. It'd been a while since she had saw them in school, and she was noticably excited. Eventually settling on a elegant peach dress with frilly sleeves, complete with matching undergarments, Claire put on a layer of basic make-up, grabbing her small brown backpack before taking the elevator down to the lobby. Looking around for Charles, she finally spotted the middle-aged man with the salt and pepper hair sitting on a sofa, a newspaper spread wide open. Claire greeted him in her usually chirpy form [b][color=lightsalmon]"Morning Charles!"[/color][/b] The older man looked up from his newspaper, his weathered face breaking into a smile as he saw her. [b][color=lightgreen]"Morning Ms. Collins! Ready to leave?"[/color][/b] [b][color=lightsalmon]"Yup."[/color][/b] Inside the black Rolls-Royce Phantom that was the Collins family car, Claire grabbed her phone and began sending messages to her besties, the two very girls that were her best friends in the whole of Constance Billard. [center][color=8dc73f]♫[/color] [b]To: Celine E. , Leila.F.[/b] [color=8dc73f]♫[/color] [b]From: Claire C.[/b] [color=lightsalmon][b]Heyyy besties!! Guess what, its assembly day! I'll be seeing you two later so be there! Oh Celly, will your brother be coming as well? Please say [i]yesss[/i].. [/b] #excited #besties[/color][/center] In twenty minutes, or was it fifteen? The black Rolls-Royce arrived at the already bustling carpark of Constance Billard, filled with a myriad of cars being parked or dropping off fellow students. It was still raining when Claire alighted, so she opened up a peach umbrella that went along perfectly with her outfit, her small brown backpack slung low onto her back. Her peach dress swayed lightly in the rainy breeze as she began to make her way to the entrance of the school, making her way into the hall where the assembly would take place soon. The twins should come soon enough. [center][color=8dc73f]♫[/color] [b]To: Celine E. , Leila.F.[/b] [color=8dc73f]♫[/color] [b]From: Claire C.[/b] [color=lightsalmon][b]I'm here! I'm waiting at the entrance![/b] #iamwaiting #cantmissme[/color][/center]