Light was having trouble trying to find a window with a good vantage to see the entire room from, one of the advantages of having a building built into a mountain she thought. Eventually she settled for one where she could get a good glimpse at Magnus who was currently being sniffed by a Flitwit, Light glaring at it for a moment. Soon after, a starscale dropped off a rider by an adjacent window and hung out around there. Things were getting busy, she thought. Magnus was a bit surprised that when the next person who walked in greeted him in a friendly manner, of course his mask left very little impression of any emotion. The dragon sniffing him however was a bit strange. Magnus checked his dragon nip vial to see if it had gotten cracked or not. It wasn't, must to his relief. Grabbing the newcomers hand and shaking it, he said. "Hello Cabhan, my name is Magnus. You certainly are fearless aren't you?" And yet another newcomer came in, this time from a window and being deposited by a Starscale, Magnus making note of that fact in case he needed some scales. "Yes. I don't know for what, but it'll be fun non the less." Magnus replied at the new mans question if he was in the correct meeting spot.