[@Daxam]I'll be hoping for at least one more person, so if you know anyone who'd be interested please do get them involved. If not, I can have you alone if you are up for it.... Also...the first idea for the Metal Gear, is what I have here. Though it seems pretty basic, and I didn't want it to look 100% exactly like the regular Metal Gears of the franchise, but...eh... [hider=Metal Gear N.E.T.] N.E.T standing for Nuclear Engineered Technology...I know...pretty crap. [img]http://pre12.deviantart.net/29a7/th/pre/f/2012/011/6/c/giant_mech___uef_acu_rnder_by_avitus12-d4m00bg.jpg[/img][/hider] Though I will change it if the rest of those competing, especially you Daxam, want something more different?