[hider=Jago Andrew Javuant] [color=Darkorchid][h3][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u][/h3][/color] [color=Darkorchid][b]Name:[/b][/color] [indent][i]Jago Andrew Javuant[/i] ([i]JJ, The Ultimate Shield[/i])[/indent] [color=darkorchid][b]Age:[/b][/color] [indent]14[/indent] [color=darkorchid][b]Gender:[/b][/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=darkorchid][b]Appearance:[/b] [/color] [indent] A very youthful and proud teen. Jago has the looks of an outgoing person, the kind of kid that spends plenty of time outside and doing things rather than lazing around the house. Hell, someone could say that he has the looks of an adventurer. But he tends to have the young relaxed teen vibe most of the time. Moving around and walking with confidence and a cocky swagger. He's rather tall for his age, standing shoulders above other teens at a solid 5'8. His build is very thin and waifish, he's skinny, but he has a bit of muscles. Not the "I lift" kind of muscles, but more of the "I run, and do gymnastics" muscles. His arms and legs are particularly muscular - another thing I should note about them is that they're long, they make up a bit of his height. However, the boy has been hitting the gym quite often in hopes of getting ripped. They're hard to notice unless he takes off his clothes and shows some skin. Speaking of skin; Jago is obviously African-American. He has a chocolate brown skin color, tanned from spending plenty of time in the sun. His face is coated with some dark freckles. Free from blemishes and acne - but he has plenty of scars coating his skin from rough play. His appearance clearly implies he's been during various activities, but clearly rough-housing. His crooked nose was broken in fights fairly frequently and just never healed right. Along with a few scars here and there - mostly around his knees from tripping - he's clearly been in some stuff. Going back to Jago's African-American heritage, his facial features are structured very much like African-Americans. His skull shape, thick lips, and hair-texture give this away. Jago's facial features are rounded and smooth - blending seamlessly with each other - along with a rectangle shaped head. His chin is small, and square, blending into his sharp jawline very well. His nose is medium sized, with two large nostrils and a thick nose bridge, and like it's been stated before, is quite crooked. He has large lips, along with a wide mouth. His ears are small, yet quite round. Jago's eyes are small, usually giving off a lazy, bored look, or a fierce, determined, confident, glare. One thing Jago has been notable for is his thick, straight, dark-black hair color. It's a usually wild hair-style, since he keeps them all in shoulder-length, thick, dreadlocks. They move and flow just as he does. Jago's attire, and style, varies depending on his mood. But his most common style is either a hip-hop based outfit, an athletic outfit, casual attire, or bland outfits that allow freedom of movement. That said, there's few kinds of clothes Jago won't wear. [/indent] [color=darkorchid][b]Skills/Talents:[/b][/color] [indent] Jago has quite a few, all of them were taught to him by others. His most obvious skill is that he's very agile and fast because of his acrobatic, and gymnastic training - but it's been ages since he actually practiced it. Most of his training had stuck with him through the years since he uses it a lot. He can climb, is very quick on his toes, and is very acrobatic. Jago is also exceptionally skilled at playing basketball, and has played a little bit of soccer. Jago has also taken to skateboarding. Because he's a particularly mouthy teen, Jago's parents had invested in some Karate classes to teach him how to defend himself, and maybe discipline him. His greatest skill would have to be how clever, quick thinking, and creative he is. A cunning trickster by default, he can think outside the box merely by instinct.[/indent] [color=darkorchid][b]Brief Backstory:[/b][/color] [indent]This is also Newt's backstory. Fortunately, the life of Jago and Aisha Javuant isn't a long one. The pair were twins born to the Javuant family years after their first child, Deborah Javuant. They were born into a military family, with their father being a Ranger for the United States Army. They were moved around a lot, as their father was moved from station to station. So, while they were growing up, they didn't stick around in one place for too long. This process stopped once their father went to go fight in the Iraq war. Depriving the two of their father during the crucial years of their life. It was years before he came back, and the Javuants decided to settle down in the city of Black Fall, Pennsylvania. This is where the twins truly shined. They became problem child right off the bat. A pair of jackasses, and trouble makers. They constantly got thrown in detention, got into fights, and pulled pranks. They were kicked out of their first school, and sent to an even worse one. Where they became even worse. However, once they were twelve, the twins got into a fight with some other students. They were utterly ganged up on, and beaten. This was enough to awaken their latent abilities. Shields and Telekinesis for Jago, and Enhanced Condition for Newt. They used their powers to get themselves out of the fight - and were immediately detained by NEST Agents. They were registered, and the twins were told that Deborah was also a Metahuman with Cerebral abilities. This introduced the twins to the world of Metahumans. Did they use their powers responsibly? Hell no. They caused all sorts of trouble for NEST, and by that extent, their family. It all ended in a little event that Jago was planning with some friends. His hardcore night of debauchery. Which resulted in widespread chaos all over Black Fall. Stuff was stolen, broken, and urinated on. However, the twin's reign of terror ended when they were beaten up by an asshole Lizardman. Instead of facing juvie for their actions NEST sent them to Oregon to attend Camp ThinkerRock.[/indent] [color=Darkorchid][h3][u][b]Power Information[/b][/u][/h3][/color] [color=darkorchid][b]Power Class:[/b][/color] [indent]Cerebral[/indent] [color=darkorchid][b]Power:[/b][/color] [i]Telekinetic Shields[/i] [indent]Jago has the ability to create telekinetic barriers with little energy or focus as far as the eye can see. Jago's barriers are translucent, dark-purple or blue, and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Though, Jago is more specialized in creating walls, he can create curved walls, or spheres. He can't move them, the barriers are effectively stationary (Though, they can be moved with enough strength) until he becomes more refined in them, but he can create floating shields just fine. He can control what goes through them. For example, he can make it so that people can attack from inside his shields, or render them inaccessible from both sides. These force-fields have varying levels of durability, all depending on how much effort he puts into it. They can be enough to block a person, or stop an augmented punch from a super-strong meta. Though, the more pressure they're put under, the harder it is it for him to keep them going. Right now, Jago can only create bouncy, flexible shields. If his shields were hit by anything, they would deform, and Jago would be able to bounce it back, with a variety of other uses. Bouncy shields are a bit harder to destroy than his other shields because they're far more shock absorbent. He's working on creating traditional, "solid" shields by gaining a higher degree of control. He will be able to learn how to create reflecting, and deflecting shields with time. In regards to energy, or non-physical, attacks, Jago's shields block simply them regardless of the type of shield he has deployed, and they cause no deformations in his shields. One technique he believes he can do is that he can wrap his barriers around his limbs, to create an armor around himself. Bringing his durability up a bit. There are plenty more techniques he can come up with as he becomes better at controlling his ability, but it's more of a creativity kind of thing. He just needs to think outside the box with his power.[/indent] [i]Telekinesis[/i] [indent]Making up the other half of Jago's power is good old telekinesis, baby! A recent development, and it came with the epiphany that his power is truly telekinetic in nature. By default, he can do the usual telekinetic techniques of lifting, throwing, pushing, attracting, and generally controlling the motion of any solids. It's also possible for him to bend, crush, or stretch objects. He does these techniques via hand/arm, and leg, motions - it's also possible to move it with a thought, but his control won't be as precise. By pointing his hand at an object, and with concentration, he can move it, as it "follows" his motions. By thrusting his hand outward, or swinging it really hard, he can send it flying at a speed of his choice. Get the idea? It's entirely possible for him to do this to multiple objects at once - with one motion, in fact. He can also be extremely precise with his telekinesis. The most he can lift up without strain is 200lb. Jago can also use telekinesis on [i]himself[/i]. More or less giving him the ability to control his own movements. Such as flight/levitation, sliding along the ground, putting more force behind his punches, controlling his balance, and more precise movements. There are plenty more applications he can do, but that'd bog down the sheet.[/indent] [color=darkorchid][b]Limits:[/b][/color] [indent]For specific limits, I'll start with his shields. There's the given weaknesses of larger and more durable his shields, the more effort it'll take to keep them going. However, Jago technically has no limit to how many shields he can put up at a time, but it comes down to a quality vs quantity thing. The more shields he has up, the less overall durability they'll have (Depends on size and durability). Putting constant pressure on Jago's shields is dangerous. While he can make them quite durable, the more pressure they're put under, the harder it'll be for Jago to keep them going. However, "constant pressure" means a lot of really hard hits coming on it at once. For example, a really strong punch won't cause any extra effort, but a barrage from anything stronger than a .40 Cal will make it harder for Jago to keep it going. It's also possible to break them if they get hit with more than what they can take. Limits specific to his telekinesis, they're simple. Moving heavier objects, moving objects quickly, and the more advanced uses, tire him out faster. The absolute weight-limit to Jago's telekinesis has to be two tons, and he wouldn't be able to move anything close to that weight without pushing himself far beyond his limits and coming close to ashing. The most he could hope to do is bring a stop to it. There's also a few limits when it comes to people (All of which might be psychological). He can move people around (Even restrain or throw them), but he can't do stuff like choke them, bend them behind their natural limits, tear them to pieces, and such and such. Obviously, his telekinesis ability only applies to solids - he cannot manipulate energy or anything on an atomic level. He can manipulate liquids somewhat, but not to a great degree.[/indent] [color=darkorchid][b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b][/color] [indent]The first problem Jago has is concentration. All of his abilities rely on focus and concentration. Break it, and all uses of Jago's power will be cancelled. He also requires hand motions for all of his abilities. While he can use them without motions, he won't be as refined or precise. Jago cannot use his shields and his telekinesis at the same time, he has to cancel one usage before beginning the other. However, he can fly/move around and make shields at the same time. Overusing his abilities (Or maintaining a single use for too long) causes his body to receive damage and degrade over times. This in the way of him bleeding out of every orifice, awful headaches, strain his muscles, and at it's most extreme; brain damage and failing organs.[/indent] [color=Darkorchid][h3][u][b]Relationships[/b][/u][/h3][/color] [color=darkorchid][b]Family:[/b][/color] [INDENT] Father - Jacob Javuant Mother- Susie Javuant Uncle - David Termellio Aunt - Taya Termellio Sister - Aisha/Newt Javuant Sister - Deborah Javuant (Has Psychometric-Perception, Telepathy, & Premonitions)[/INDENT] [color=darkorchid][b]Dynamics:[/b][/color] [indent][b]Aisha "Newt" Javuant[/b] | [b]Good[/b] | [b]Twin-Sister[/b] | [color=Darkorchid][i]"You know, we fight all the time over stupid shit, but you know we make a great team..."[/i][/color] |[/indent] [color=Darkorchid][h3][u][b]Other[/b][/u][/h3][/color] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFy5MhIl8R0[/youtube][/hider]