[hider= Aisha ''Newt'' Javuant] [color=darkgreen][h3][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u][/h3][/color] [color=darkgreen][b]Name:[/b][/color] [indent][i]Aisha Phoebe Javuant[/i] (But everyone calls her [i]Newt[/i])[/indent] [color=darkgreen][b]Age:[/b][/color] [indent]14[/indent] [color=darkgreen][b]Gender:[/b][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=darkgreen][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [indent]Newt is certainly a young and spastic teen. Much like her twin brother, Newt is much taller than a girl her age should be. She is nearly at the average adult female height. But she herself still feels rather short compared to other people. Her frame is thin, and her body is trim from all the activity she goes through. She's basically skin and bones. She has the appearance of someone who's transitioning into a healthy woman, or someone in the middle of puberty. Her voice is getting deeper, her breasts are growing, with gaining a more womanly shape (Curves and hips). It seems like she'll certainly be a full woman once she finishes, but she's far from that. But she's certainly feminine. She's energetic, and never can seem to hold still, and her movements are quick and wild. Even when she's holding still, she's always looking like she's about to explode in a ball of energy. Strangely enough, Newt does not have one mark on her body. Her skin is so clear and flawless that it would make a super-model jealous. It’s surprising since, given the rough play she goes through, anyone would expect her to be heavily scarred. Newt is clearly African-American, her skin, skull-shape, and facial features are consistent with African-Americans. Her skin is a dark-brown color. However, Newt's body is splattered with black freckles against her brown skin. Newt's facial features are rounded, and smooth, nothing looks disproportionate from one another. She has a rectangle shaped head, and with a small square chin much like her brother. She doesn't have much of a jawline at the moment, but it is developing. Her nose is medium sized with rather big nostrils, and a thin nose bridge, making her nose look almost triangle shaped. Surprisingly, it isn't crooked or broken. She has thick lips that are usually painted bright red via lipstick. She has some small ears that are thin, and kinda pointy. Her eyes are very large, and round, they have a puppy-eyes look all the time. Her iris is a brown color. She has a long neck. In terms of hairstyle, Newt has two large afro puffs on each side of her head. Normally her hair is wavy, and thick, but she doesn't really maintain it all that well, so it's pretty messy and dirty. Often, Newt has a few stickers of stars on her cheeks, or alternatively, she draws stars on them with a marker. Newt would love to wear all the clothing that her parents would never let her wear, but she's forced to look somewhat presentable. But if given the opportunity to, she would wear ripped jeans, leggings, stockings, bikinis, and just skimpy clothing in general. Though, she is forced to dress somewhat normally. She'll be forced to wear clothing that covers her skin, such as jeans, and jackets. Through Newt likes to take this to it's logical extreme and dress up like a ninja. Wearing hoodies over hoodies and jackets over jackets. She's also fond of wearing gloves, boots, and high heels. The most standout feature of Newt's attire is that ridiculously long bright-red scarf with black edges. It's at least seven feet in length, and she keeps it wrapped around her neck or her face. Usually Newt is seen wearing jewelry of the ear-ring variety. Sometimes she's seen wearing hoop earrings, or usual. [/indent] [color=darkgreen][b]Skills/Talents:[/b][/color] [indent]A girl that's really light on her toes. She's fast, agile, quiet, and can hide pretty well. Just pray to God that you're not playing hide and seek with her. This is partly due to being in gymnastics. She's also a very good pick-pocket, using her powers in conjunction with her dexterous hands. Newt is also being forced to learn to play piano, she's not that good at the moment, but she's getting there. Her twin brother Jago has shared a few of his skills with his. Such as his Karate, basketball, and so on.[/indent] [color=darkgreen][b]Brief Backstory:[/b][/color] [indent](See: Jago's sheet)[/indent] [color=darkgreen][h3][u][b]Power Information[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Power Class:[/b][/color] [indent]Super-System[/indent] [color=darkgreen][b]Power:[/b][/color] [i]Superhuman Condition.[/i] [indent]Aisha has a godly body for a fourteen year old girl. She is at her (Super-natural) prime. That said, Aisha has your typical superhuman abilities. Her body has been enhanced in a few fields, such as her agility and strength, among other things. However, her agility is simply top-tier, and easily the most improved part of her body by a long shot. She's insanely flexible, she can go from one motion to another with ease, sprint, do backflips, and other tricks with little effort. Her body/muscle control, hand-eye coordination, and balance are insane, allowing her to perform stunts with little strain on her body. Aisha can also bend twist her body far beyond the normal limits, her muscles and skin are more flexible, and her limbs are double-jointed. Meaning she can perform contortions that look like she's boneless. She's also great with those hands of hers, they move at a blur, and are insanely precise. Which can allow her to quickly snatch something. This power also allows Aisha to run faster (at like 35 mph consistently) and jump higher (At least a good twenty feet in one leap). Her reflexes have been increased to boot, she can react to things the moment she sees it coming. In a fight, the implications are obvious; she can easily and effectively dodge attacks - moving like a blur. Finally, Aisha has the ability to wall crawl by taking advantage of van der Waals force. Aisha can cling to any surface. Aisha's strength has also been enhanced by a few notches, and supplements her agility. She can lift up to 650lb on her own, and that's enough to throw a grown man around like it's nothing, or throw a bone breaking punch. Her healing ability has been enhanced, to the point of regeneration. Aisha’s ability to regenerate damaged cells is astounding. She’d heal from superficial wounds like paper cuts, microfractures, and so on, in a few minutes. Bigger wounds such as deep cuts will be closed in a few hours. Broken bones would be healed in a week. Get the gist? She is also capable of regenerating limbs. It’ll take a few months to grow back something like an arm, but it’s possible. Because of her high healing-factor, her immune-system and metabolism have been similarly enhanced. And finally, her stamina has been enhanced to the point where she could sustain all of these feats, and not even need a breather. She can also hold her breath for awhile.[/indent] [color=darkgreen][b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b][/color] [indent]Yes, Newt's body has been enhanced to godly levels, but there are some aspects that haven't been enhanced; namely her durability. It's still technically at the human level, and in some areas, weaker than the human average. Her joints, tendons, and ligaments are frail, and much easier to damage. She must know her limits, and control her body accordingly. Since, while she has the strength to bench press a piano, her skeleton can't support it and it'd still crush her. If she punches someone full force, then she's not going to be using that hand for awhile. Even if she jumps and lands the wrong way, she could break a joint very easily. And, even with regeneration, she's no wolverine, she can't instantly bounce back from damage, she needs time. Newt is a fragile-speedster by default, fast as hell, but can't take too much of a hit. That said, there's more weaknesses. Specifically in terms of her metabolism, it runs fast enough that she remains in great shape, but it also means her body requires more food, drink, and rest in order to keep function. If she goes without those for too long, then her body will shut down. And that's bad. Her regeneration has a few weaknesses of it's own. For starters, it kicks her metabolism into overdrive, and can drain her far quicker than usual. Then there's the fact that she can't heal from brain damage, or attacks that would instantly kill her. If there's an object in the way, it interferes with her regeneration until the object is removed. Also, if a broken bone isn't braced properly, then it will not heal correctly, and will likely have to be broken again. Her enhanced senses also present a few, rather obvious, weaknesses of their own. Sensory overload. Bright lights, loud sounds, strong odors, you see, attacks on the senses tend to be extremely painful for Newt, and almost just as damaging. Taking a flashbang to the face would render her blind and deaf, at least until her healing factor corrected the damage. Finally, while Newt can resist fatigue, it doesn't mean she can go on forever. The lactic acid buildup would cause an incredible pain, and force her to stop whether she wants to or not (Or else it'll be painful).[/indent] [color=darkgreen][h3][u][b]Relationships[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Family:[/b] [/color] [INDENT] Father - Jacob Javuant Mother- Susie Javuant Uncle - David Termellio Aunt - Taya Termellio Brother - Jago Javuant Sister - Deborah Javuant (Has Psychometric-Perception, Telepathy, & Premonitions)[/INDENT] [color=darkgreen][b]Dynamics:[/b][/color] [indent][b]Jago Javuant[/b] | [b]Good[/b] | [b]Brother[/b] | [color=darkgreen][i]"Hahahaha... Jago, pttf. A goon, wannabe, tough guy, fun. He’s all of those things, and more Me and him working together with trouble on our mind we can get shit done."[/i][/color] |[/indent] [color=darkgreen][h3][u][b]Other[/b][/u][/h3][/color] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Yrr7D0eVwQ[/youtube][/hider]