[hider=Diana Jolene Lucker] [color=lightseagreen][h3][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u][/h3][/color] [color=lightseagreen][b]Name:[/b][/color] [indent][i]Diana Jolene Lucker[/i][/indent] [color=lightseagreen][b]Age:[/b][/color] [indent]19[/indent] [color=lightseagreen][b]Gender:[/b][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=lightseagreen][b]Appearance:[/b] [/color] [indent]Short and firey. That's what people get the impression of the second they see her. Right off the bat, a lot of people can tell that she isn't a ball of sunshine, and kittens. Rarely does she ever remove that scowl from her face, and just looks like she's ready to fucking explode. Diana's build is thin, and boyish. She's almost comically short (At 5'1 ft), and weighs a just right amount for her bmi. She has a solid square shaped body with a solid build, to be precise. One thing that she has going for her is her chest area. Diana has a C-cup bra size, and given how comically small she is, she looks much bustier. It's offset by a flat behind that nobody's anaconda wants! People like to say that she has a "boy ass" just to taunt her (Don't, unless you want to get punched in the nose). Her limbs are very short and slim, but they're somewhat muscular because of all the work Diana does. She's the kind of woman who works out whenever she can. Her hands and are small (And scarred!). The woman has faint abs she's been working on. There aren't really any scars or marks on them because of her power. Diana's facial features are very European, being a mixed bag of European countries - French, Irish, Swedish, and Canadian. Speaking of her facial features, she has diamond shaped facial features, with a small, round head. Most notably, Diana has very small and poky lips, that have some thickness to them. They don't have makeup on them, so they're a very dull pink color. She doesn't exactly have a strong jawline, but her cheeks and chin aren't pronounced enough to stand out, and simply blend in with her jaw. Diana has a pronounced droopy nose that looks disproportionate to her lips. It's medium sized, and has a pretty thick nose bridge, one that has nostrils that aren't too small, or too large. Her ears are small, round, and slightly pointed at the top. With a light splatter of freckles on her face, and upper body, to top things off. Finally, Diana's other most prominent feature is her hair. Her hair color is very bright, that Swedish Blonde color. It's straight, very clean, and styled as a spiky pixie cut with the sides of her head being combed. Contrary to her appearance and attitude, Diana has a strange schoolgirl style. She's almost always seen wearing a skirt of some kind, with a modest top (A sweater, a button up, etc). However, she loves to wear tall leather boots (Or combat or steel-toed boots). Diana doesn't exactly wear jewelry over than some rings.[/indent] [color=lightseagreen][b]Skills/Talents:[/b][/color] [indent]I should note that her true talent is the automotive field. Diana is a very talented driver. If you're robbing a bank, she'd be a great get away driver. She also knows a bit about the layout of cars... enough to know what to do to steal some cars. Diana's an avid car jacker, give her a few minutes and she'll be inside someone's car, and already speeding off with it. Diana also has a limited knowledge of automotive repair. That isn't to say that she isn't good at other crimes. Diana is a pretty good pickpocket, and is very sneaky beaky. The kind of gal that's real light on her feet. She could get behind you and scored a hit before you even noticed she was there! Fighting was something that always came naturally to Diana. When she rolled with a gang, they taught her how to fight. No official MA, but her friends taught her some tricks from various fighting styles. She is quite formidable in a fight. Though, fighting dirty is more of her thing. It's nothing that she would admit, but Diana is a ballet dancer, and a beautiful one. She still takes the time to practice the techniques that she learned years ago. She's still a great dancer. This is barely a skill, but Diana knows a little bit about the crime world. It stops at illegal racing, but she knows a bit.[/indent] [color=lightseagreen][b]Brief Backstory:[/b][/color] [indent]Diana Lucker was born in Stadium City to Ewan and Lucy Lucker right in the midst of NEST's grand offensive against the Tyrants. She was a happy child... until her mother was caught in the crossfire between NEST and Tyrants and blown in half by a Tyrant. This utterly devastated the family, to the point where her father couldn't take care of her, and sent her to Verthaven to live with his parents. Diana didn't know how to feel about this, she felt abandoned. Her grandparents were too old to give a shit, and Diana felt like was living on her own. However, she met another girl like her, Maxine Carter, who recently lost her own father. The two girls bonded, and found much in common with each other. Becoming the best friends... then they started getting into all sorts of trouble. Both of them got involved with gangs, gambling, and doing everything girls their ages shouldn't. Often getting sent home by the VPD, and chided. This routine continued until her powers manifested. Elemental control over paper... one of the lamest powers out there. Maxine got the far cooler control over fire and it's byproducts. Before the duo could cause more trouble, Diana was sent back home to her family in Stadium City. Getting separated from Maxine was bad enough - but her fuckin' father went off and married some Asian broad while she was gone! Un-fucking-belieable! Even had a kid... Wendy Lucker. Despite Diana's cold reception, the two girls warmed up to each other, and got really close. However, Diana decided to get back involved in the same old, without her best friend Maxine, and started trouble fast as possible. Getting involved in Metahuman gangs around Stadium City. Naturally getting in trouble with NEST. While spending some time with her little sister. It turns out that Wendy had the same power as her! How sweet was that? Things went to shit for Diana once she tried getting initiated with the Tyrants, and it got raided by NEST. Diana almost got away, but she was no match for NEST's crackshot Sonya Mayfield. A taser dart hit her right in the ass, and she fell forward. NEST was damn near ready to send her to prison, before Sonya Mayfield suggested that she gets into the ThinkerRock program to straighten up. Diana didn't want to go to any circle-jerky summer camp, but her father agreed to it because Diana needed to get away from bad influences. Well, at least Wendy was going....[/indent] [color=lightseagreen][h3][u][b]Power Information[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Power Class:[/b][/color] [indent]Elemental[/indent] [color=lightseagreen][b]Power:[/b][/color] [u]Elemental-Type: Mode Paper[/u] [i]Paper-Manipulation.[/i] [indent]Also known as Papyrokinesis, Diana has an elemental ability relating to paper, card, and cardboard. She can telekinetically control paper on a large scale - capable of controlling several tons worth of paper at a time - and shape them without bending or tearing it. Creating complicated structures is simple for Diana, since her ability naturally gives her a high degree of control over her paper. This is assisted by paper's flexibility. She can create a building out of paper if she's given enough time. While this may sound lame, but Paper is a pretty good weapon against unarmored targets. She can form it into sharp blades that'll give a sucka a nasty papercut, or pack it together to create a dense, high impact, blunt weapon. On the other end, it works very well defensively. If she has enough paper, she can create a shield that'll stop a projectile (Possibly a bullet if she has enough time). Outside of fights, she can create clothes, forge documents, repair damaged paper, and more. This ability goes in tandem with her ability to turn into (or make herself weightless like) paper. Wendy showed her that she can fly by creating a giant paper construct, or riding it like carpet. Just pray you don't fight her in a office supply store.[/indent] [i]Paper-Mimicry.[/i] [indent]Diana has the ability to turn into paper. Whether it's a storm of individual (Or one whole piece) paper pages, or into cardboard. This ability, amazingly enough, extends to the clothes she's wearing, and the objects she's holding. So no, she won't be naked when she reforms, boys. The main usage is probably turning into individual pieces of paper, so I'll go into that one the most. Diana can individually control each piece of paper, and naturally, this gives her a form of flight, or teleportation if I'd go far enough to call it that. She can turn into a cloud of paper, move, then reform. This gives her a heightened dodging ability, and basically makes her immune to physical attacks. Turning into dense cardboard and throwing a punch can make someone feel like they were bitchslapped by a Bible. Diana can also partially turn into paper or cardboard. Some of her paper powers extends to her true form - in the way that she can adopt the weight of paper. She can possibly fly by riding wind currents (albeit, very erratically), or by the aforementioned means. This ability to adopt the weight of paper extends to her clothes, and the objects she's holding (REQUIRED SECONDARY POWERS).[/indent] [i]Paper-Absorption & Storage.[/i] [indent]As a combination of both aforementioned ability, Diana can store paper inside of herself. It's simple, she turns into paper and places the foreign paper inside of herself. Ready to be used at a later date. When she wants to use it, all she has to do is pull the paper out of her body. To an outsider, it'll appear almost like she created the paper out of thin air. She can use it like shooting a blade of paper out of her hand. Diana also has a regenerative ability. It's pretty simple, if she has an injury, all she has to do is turn it into paper, and absorb some paper to fill the wound. It won't work on a bruise, but it's handy for cuts.[/indent] [i]Ink-Manipulation & Generation.[/i] [indent]As a side ability, Diana as a minor Melanokinetic ability. She can't, say, throw gigantic globs of ink at people, but she [i]can[/i] manipulate the ink on paper into whatever she pleases. She can pull the ink off the pages, and throw it around at people, but like I said before, she can't do anything more than that. Pulling ink off the pages is only useful if she wants to put it on something else. She also has the ability to produce ink from her fingertips, which she can manipulate in any way she chooses.[/indent] [color=lightseagreen][b]Limits:[/b][/color] [indent]Each of Diana's individual abilities have their own limits. For paper manipulation, she has the usual range limit of around thirty-feet, and the max weight limit of two tons of paper. Diana cannot remain in paper form for too long - the maximum limit is inhibited by how long she can hold her breath. If she runs out of breath, she [i]has[/i] to turn back into human form, or, you know. So, she can only remain as a storm of paper for only so long. Even if she's one solid piece of paper, she's still limited. She can only scatter herself around twelve feet. Diana can't use paper manipulation while turned into paper - she'll only be able to control her own paper. Also, absorbing paper into herself weighs her down, thus, preventing her from going weightless unless she expels it. It'll also come with the feeling of being weighed down. Diana's regeneration won't really work if she's wet, or too bloody. So, if she's gushing blood, she's going to have a problem. Diana's ink manipulation basically has a tactile range. She can only control ink that's within two feet of herself - and in that case, she's better off just touching it. She can produce two quarts of Ink at most.[/indent] [color=lightseagreen][b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b][/color] [indent]Diana's power makes her a bit more... flammable. Even in human form, she'll burn away like paper if she's exposed to flame. Which could spread, and she'll have no choice but to drop that part of her body unless she wants to burn up. Fortunately, water doesn't do anything to her human form, so she can take a swim. However, if she's soaken wet, then she can't turn into paper. Now, I have to go over the weaknesses of paper. They should be obvious, Diana cannot control paper that is soaken wet, or burned. So fire/water benders are her bane. She can work with torn paper, of course. Gusts of wind can also be a pain in the ass. It'll send the paper she's controlling flying, and make her lose control of it. This can also be a problem if she's a storm of paper. It'll send her veering off course. This means outdoor areas aren't her favorite place.[/indent] [color=lightseagreen][h3][u][b]Relationships[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Family:[/b] [/color] [INDENT] Lucy Lucker Mother (Deceased) Ewan Lucker - Father Kumiko Lucker - Step-Mother Wendy Lucker - Half-Sister [/INDENT] [color=lightseagreen][b]Dynamics:[/b][/color] [indent] [b]Wendy Lucker[/b] | [b]Good[/b] | [b]Sister[/b] | [color=Lightseagreen][i]"Lucky Wendy's a good girl. She just needs to get the hell out of that eccentric-ass shell of hers and smell the fresh air. Those books can't take the place of humans - speaking of which, isn't it fitting that she got the ability to control paper?"[/i][/color] |[/indent] [color=lightseagreen][h3][u][b]Other[/b][/u][/h3][/color] [list][*]Diana has done it all. Smoke, drink, do drugs, and more. Only thing that stuck with her was smoking. Whenever she gets some time to herself, she'll be seen with a cigarette in between her lips. [*]Diana is a gambler at heart. She won't hesitate to make bets, and always carries around dice in her pockets. [/list] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y16IFUPoYHc[/youtube] [/hider]