[hider=Fiona Ashley Barrett] [color=yellowgreen][h3][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u][/h3][/color] [color=yellowgreen][b]Name:[/b][/color] [indent][i]Fiona Ashley Barrett[/i] (Or [i]Cricket Barrett[/i])[/indent] [color=yellowgreen][b]Age:[/b][/color] [indent]17[/indent] [color=yellowgreen][b]Gender:[/b][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=yellowgreen][b]Appearance:[/b] [/color] [indent]Now, Fiona has a very distinct appearance to her, indeed. She looks like a hybrid of a human being and an insect - with her appearing leaning on human so that she doesn't appear as monstrous as a hybrid would imply. She is covered, from head to toe, in a thin, olive-green, exoskeleton that makes up a light armoring around her being. With segments here and there, and less armor in the joints, she can move around like a human would. To put it simply, Fiona is anatomically the same as a human being, except with an exoskeleton - No extra limbs. Fiona has the traits of a grasshopper, if one was versed in the insectoid realm. On the top of her head are two antennas that are thin and look much like long strands of hair - they are nearly her body height in length. She has two, very large, black, almond-shaped, grasshopper eyes - that appear close to humans. On the sides of her mouth are two mandibles that encompass her mouth when they're closed. Finally, her legs are much thicker, and capable of preforming powerful jumps (Or a kick in a fight). Moving on, Fiona's build is pretty slim, she's slender. Almost petite. I doubt she could even biologically gain visible body fat, or muscles. Her body-shape is roughly rectangle-shaped. Naturally, her legs are much longer than the rest of her body - disproportionately adding on a few inches to a girl that would be naturally be the average female height. Her arms are pretty standard length and proportionate to the rest of her body. Body is relatively scar free (Try scaring chitin!). A few marks here and there from some recent injuries, that would fade once she molts. Face still humanoid, Fiona has an oval-shaped head, and vaguely European facial-features. Facial features blend neatly together, only having one exposed creek in order for her to move her jaw. She has a very small button nose with small nostrils right above her mouse. With her mouth being small and having very thin lips - along with human teeth. Her cheeks are smooth... I mean not in the texture way, in how they are. I should note that Fiona doesn't have ears - merely two dark holes where her ears should be. These holes are obscured by her hair. Fiona has a head of very curly orange hair (If you're asking how and why; yes). It's very well cleaned, and has a neat texture to it. Lets it flow, it hangs off her head onto her shoulders in a very messy hairstyle. Usually flying around as she moves (Especially when she jumps). Fiona's voice sounds vaguely humanoid. It has a strange buzzing/chirping overtone that definitely sounds insectoid. Fiona dresses very lightly... not in the slutty way, but dresses in such a manner that she doesn't get too restricted. With a body like hers, she has to wear clothes a few sizes extra, or else it'd get torn. The legs area is the biggest problem, since she can't properly move without using her legs. Sweat shorts and skirts tend to do the trick. Stuff that leave her legs free. As for style, Fiona has no style. She wears whatever she has access to, really. Colors, and decals, are completely irrelevant - only size are relevant. She'd wear nothing if it wasn't immodest. Fiona always has a large red bow on the top of her head.[/indent] [color=yellowgreen][b]Skills/Talents:[/b][/color] [indent]Fiona doesn't have too much in terms of skills. She knows how to maneuver in most environments very well (Especially the woods). If she needs to, she can be quick - whether it be running or chasing. Hiding is also a great skill of hers. Fiona is also very talented at the flute.[/indent] [color=yellowgreen][b]Brief Backstory:[/b][/color] [indent]Fiona was born in Black Fall. Taken from her family a mere few weeks after birth - one of the victims of the Changeling Unit - to be given to the Hands of Science. They experimented on her using power enhancing drugs that would shape how her power develops. These procedures went on until she was three - when NEST raided the lab, and liberated her (Fortunately, retaining the Hands of Science's anonymity because anything that could out the organization was destroyed). From there, Fiona was reunited with her family (And met her many siblings - at least eleven) in a special home for Metahumans with extreme physical mutations that was approved by NEST. Fiona was happy there among abominations like her, and this shaped her as a person. However, a strange illness struck the home, and the whole place was quarantined by NEST. Fiona was fortunate enough not to get infected - but most of her family got infected. She was enrolled in Academy 218 by a NEST Agent named Sonya Mayfield, and she spent the next couple years of her life studying there, exploring her ability. A few weeks ago, Fiona received an email from a strange woman telling her that the cure for virus was in Verthaven, and they should meet at the fair. Going against the advice of all of her friends, Fiona went to Verthaven. However, she was caught in the attack on the fair, and was shot with a stray bullet. Fiona was then kept in NEST care as she healed - before she was sent right up north to Camp ThinkerRock.[/indent] [color=yellowgreen][h3][u][b]Power Information[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Power Class:[/b][/color] [indent]Super-System: Bestial[/indent] [color=yellowgreen][b]Power:[/b][/color] [i]Adjustable Insect-Physiology[/i] [INDENT]Fiona has power of the chitinous arthropods known as the insects! Fiona has the power to shift her body in order to adapt traits from these creatures. Which is a very versatile ability in and of itself. Since there a ton of insects, each with their own purposes. For example, Fiona can transform into an ant and gain strength proportionate to her size. Adapting features of a Bee in order to gain wings and a stinger. And so on - the possibilities are endless. However, I [i]should[/i] note that she can't completely transform into an insect. She'd be half-human, or have [i]some[/i] humanoid features. Generally, insects have chitin armor, enhanced senses of some form, and extra limbs. I could sit here and go on and on listing variables, but there's just too many. One thing I should note about Fiona is her way of transforming. Once she triggers a transformation, she will molt her original shell, and in the process, gain a new one with the new insects traits. Also, Fiona can force a molt in order to repair damage to her shell - in order to accommodate to her poor healing. However, it is possible for Fiona to regrow a lost-limb using molting, or transforming.[/INDENT] [list] [*][i]Cricket-Physiology[/i] [indent]Fiona's base/default form. It gives her abilities consistent with the mighty grasshopper! The most obvious advantage is the boost to her jumping ability. She'll be able to jump high and far! It also comes with plenty of leg-strength so she can deliver one hell of a kick. She has fairly strong jaws that are natural to crickets. She can deliver a devastating bite. Crickets have pretty good senses, in fact. More than they're given credit for. Thus, Fiona's several senses are keen. Her vision is pretty good, and she's able to pick up movement much easier than humans are. It gives her a sort of enhanced reflexes, as she can see things faster and, thus, react to them quicker. Plus, she has night vision and can overall see better in low-light environments. Fiona has a great sense of hearing - she can hear from quite a distance away... using her legs (Really, look it up). She can pick up ultra-sonic sounds too. Her sense of smell is also enhanced through her antennas. They are very sensitive, enough so that she may feel around in her environment. It also allows her to pick up scents, so it counts as enhanced smell. Finally, Fiona has special hairs on her body that allows her to sense air movements and pressure changes. Which can allow her to detect if something is coming.[/indent] [/list] [color=yellowgreen][b]Limits:[/b][/color] [indent]Fiona can only adapt one insect at a time, in order to transform into another insect, she must lose the traits of the current form. It takes her a little while in order to transform - depending on the form. A minor transformation should take no more than a minute, while an extreme transformation, at most, would take several minutes. Her Grasshopper form is her technical default form, she can't spend too much time outside of it, or she'll get tired and revert back. While this isn't much of a limit, the most she can spend outside her Cricket form is a day. If she drastically transformed, she'll get tired even faster. Fiona cannot transform too often, she can do five transformations in a day.[/indent] [color=yellowgreen][b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b][/color] [indent]There is no way for Fiona to turn her power off - it's always on. Which makes it obvious, in a public setting, that she's a Metahuman. Which means that she doesn't have the luxuries that the other characters have. She has to hide herself in order to buy anything, she'll stand out more. The weaknesses to Fiona's power itself have should be fairly obvious. Extreme heats and colds are deadly to her - she simply can't handle them like other people can. Her shell heats up quickly so that could cause some permanent damage. Her internal organs freeze easier than regular people too. So, fire and ice benders are her bane. Fiona can't swim, her shell is too heavy and inefficient for swimming, she'll simply sink to the bottom of the body of water. Fiona's senses (In her Cricket form) can also be taken advantage of. Her sense of smell is fine, but her vision and hearing is vulnerable. Mostly her vision. A bright flash of light can really mess up her vision for awhile. She also operates much better in the darkness. I should note that insects regenerate very slowly (if not at all). Internal damage can be a problem (However, damage to her exoskeleton can be fixed). She's going to be in trouble unless there's a healer on hand. Transforming will drain Fiona of her nutrients, and she'll be required to consume in order to recover. Her exoskeleton will always have a few exposed areas, mostly in the joints area - a swift blow there can cause Fiona some trouble. After a transformation (Any transformation, even molting), she will be vulnerable as her new shell hardens. Finally, more drastic transformations will cause Fiona to lose sentience - to the point where she becomes a wild animal. Fiona's Grasshopper form isn't too good for running... only leaping.[/indent] [color=yellowgreen][h3][u][b]Relationships[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Family:[/b] [/color] [INDENT] Mother - Hopper Barrett (Has Bee Physiology) Father - Tracer Barrett (Has Ant Physiology) A variety of brothers and Sisters with insect forms.[/INDENT] [color=yellowgreen][b]Dynamics:[/b][/color] [indent] [b] [/b] | [b] [/b] | [b] [/b] | [color=Yellowgreen]""[/color] |[/indent] [color=yellowgreen][h3][u][b]Other[/b][/u][/h3][/color] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvhxlWvVA40[/youtube] [/hider]