Scraper nodded to Kiana. "No need to apologize General. I know you worry about us clones." Responded the trooper as the men filed on board. "The plan is simple, the Commando's and my ARC troopers will be taking one of the Stealth ship's through. After that we hit the reactor and bring down Lucrehulk-class battleship, that opening will be what the fleet needs to assault the blockade. We can slip down planet side and find the General while you prepare an evac." Scraper finished explaining. Beside the main fleet was a small frigate, outfitted with a cloaking device. It was much like the Jedi diplomatic vessels, except for the ARC troopers who were loading weapons and an extra cartridges on board it. While the Commando's sat off to the side checking their gear and otherwise ignoring the other clones. "Frigate won't be launching until were close. Commando's will distracting the enemy forces while we plant charges on the core." He finished stepping into the ship. "I'll see you on the bridge." He yelled back, his Captains yelling orders as they watched him go.