[Arathel Siliva] Arathel stood stiff and proud, listening to what Arman had to say. She watched the servant enter the throne room with the sword. A slight humming noise coming from it. She held out her palm as the servant placed the blade into her temporary ownership. The blade glowed a little brighter as it entered her hands. A slight breeze pushing her hair. Nodding as the servant returned to the kings side. "I will protect it with the lives of me and my men. We will not let it fall into the wrong hands, that is a promise. If all should fail, I will send a man back to deliver the message of how we died protecting it." She walked slowly away from Arman after she bowed. Stopping halfway to the door. "We are allies, this is what allies do for one another. They look out for each other. I hope this time, Arman. You will do the right thing." With her back to him. Carrying on through the doorway to exit the throne room and through the palace hallways to her mount Argentina. She will need more men for such a quest.