The world was a large place filled with dangers and destruction beyond anyone's imagination. Ancient creatures lurked in the dark shadows of caves and forests and prayed on the weak and helpless citizens of The Empire. The Young Emperor Maxim on his thrones does what he can to elevate the suffering of the people but his efforts are hindered by corrupted officials who either block or even modified the words of the Emperor himself. The Empire itself contending with these beasts has increased the need for an army which have only helped further corrupted and or sociopathic generals who feed on war. Though the Empire had many good men and women in it there is no escaping the fear in the hearts of those who do of those with the need to murder, maim, torture, exploit, and dominate them. The Empire needed a savior...or group of saviors... Night Raid...They seek to help the masses...they seek to kill those in power...overthrow the Empire...install a new order that caters to the people, made for the people, and for the people. And it will be GOVERNED by the people. It's the assassinations that feed their growing rebellion. Many flock to their righteous banner in need and seek their help and call them heroes. The Empire calls them traitors and beasts who would kill any innocent man or woman to fit their own needs. And in reality they are a group of misfits who seek to simply change things. For their own reasons they will cause a revolution they will save the people...and they will be heroes. But can a government run by the people itself truly thrive? Can Night Raid truly say they are able to change everything and wipe away the hatred? Salvation...Salvation is what the people need. They don't need a new government they need one that works. One that doesn't thrive on benevolent hog wash and or continue on people who seek to live in their own decadence. Formed twenty some years ago in secret by a group of intellectuals and experienced generals. Their goals are different their end games varied their but one thing was for certain. These men didn't want to kill the Empire...they wanted to reform it with a new hierarchy. Leadership was needed. Solid, unwavering, and temperant leadership devoid of corruption and selfish intentions. These men wanted a home for the citizens. One of these men were one of the most dangerous men in the entire Empire. Xerxes. Xerxes promised his comrades he'd get rid of the belligerents of chaos and pave a way for the others to fix the Empire. Be it with rebels or with the people inside of the government. He formed a group initially consisting of just him. Then came two more people then more and more until it grew into what it is today. The group took the name of their end goal...Salvation... === Today is a bright shining day in the middle of the mountains where Salvation calls home. An ancient monastery rebuilt by Xerxes now serves as the home of operations for Salvation as they go about their lives. From all walks of lives and from various groups and organizations comes the members of Salvation. From the Empire to the Rebellion come many different and highly talented people. Some have Imperial Arms some are simply extremely deadly warriors and poets. The Temple itself consists of a large courtyard in front and a meditation garden with a small alter in the back. A three story high tower in the middle and four other smaller one story towers to the left and right corners of the square compound. It has underground highways and prisons made by Xerxes and more than enough room for a small army. Heavily fortified and protected by heavy iron walls and gates the temple stands as a monument to the willpower of the Salvation group. Xerxes is planning a small time assassination plan on two individuals today but he needs to finalize the information before sending out his men so he has given them free time to spend as they will. ==== In the back towards the meditation garden sits Natsuo Phoenix. He sits underneath a tree his silvery hair blowing in the wind as his emerald eyes gaze through the pages of a book. It is a book about a family who travels all around the world doing all sorts of things and in the current chapter they are going around a fair talking and having an overall amazing time with their friends. Natsuo wished he could have had that life but in the end he knew he never could and probably never would. And that was fine with him. How many people had he killed in his life so far? Tens, hundreds possibly? It didn't matter to him especially he liked a good challenge. He flipped through the pages gently as he hummed a sweet little tune to himself; a smile graced his lips. He couldn't help but wonder...what were the others up to? There were quite the number of people here but there were others in Salvation...The Lone Spirit, Hardin, Shinto to name a few. They were probably off doing their duties or gathering allies or info. It didn't really matter to Natsuo but still he couldn't help but wonder. ==== Other than Natsuo there were at least two others doing their usual routines. Nako Homura was in front of the pond dancing around practicing her absolutely gorgeous moves by herself. Her pink dressed flowing in the wind as she twirled and spun on her heels and did all various movements each as elaborate as the last. Some were simple but each were practiced and each had their own dedicated part in Nako's movements. She moved with the grace of someone who had practiced for days and nights on the moves to perfect them. Though she was beautiful and graceful she still carried herself with dignity and pride as her plain dress flowed in the wind as she spun around. Kotaro meanwhile sat by himself in front of the main gate whiddling away at a wooden box with a knife. He had been making wooden dolls, and other mundane objects in his alone time. He found it boring but it gave him something to do and that was all that mattered to him. Not enjoying the company of others was one thing but he found talking to the crazed people Xerxes and others had recruited to their cause to be even harder to get along with. In a compound full of the crazed he found it more comforting to talk and sit alone by himself just him and his thoughts. His brown coat was covered in wood shavings and dirt. His dark brown eyes focused on the wood he was cutting intensely not letting anything else around him bother him particularly. He was a man of few words and he didn't care for the company of others. However that wasn't too say he was shy or just socially inept. He could speak well and he had no problem talking to others he just found it too be annoying. Especially when it came to Natsuo and some of the others.