[hr] [center][h2][color=007236]Adam[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] [center]The room that Adam used as his main office would seem ridiculous too anyone who did not know what kind of creature he was. The walls had clearly not been renovated in a long time, the same with the floor. The ceiling was laughably high and the doors looked like one could drive a car through them without a problem. On nearly every wall of the room stood a bookshelf, filled to the brim. And in the middle of the room stood a gigantic iron chair, behind an equally over sized wooden table. In that iron chair sat Adam. The grotesque being was reading [i]On War[/i] by Carl von Clausewitz, partly to practice his German, partly because he liked the realistic vision the book had on strategy and war. His quiet reading session was promptly interrupted when one of his lieutenants entered. His name was Samuel Ischewsky, also most people called him pretty Sam. Which was ironic, since Sam had horrible burns on his face. [color=00746b]"Master Adam. There are a few things happening you should know."[/color], the voice of the man was monotone and fittingly deep. [color=00746b]"There are unproven reports of an attack on an armsdealer in the Territory of the Wires."[/color] Adam looked up from the book, this could be interesting. [color=007236]"Now that is quite something. Who in their right mind would mess with the mightiest man of the industrial district? If the reports are true the goal was clearly too disrupt the arms trade in the region. And who would get profit out of that? Interesting news Samuel. Thank you."[/color], Adams voice sounded surprisingly pleasant. It was an interesting bit of news, Adam knew so much. But how could he himself use this news? Clearly he should not let the defenses of the Rotten down. If someone had the balls to attack Jim Evanston on his home turf, someone just might attack the Rotten. He decided too keep it in mind. [color=007236]"On other news Samuel, I want you to make contact with a woman in the residential district."[/color], Adam stood up and towered over Samuel, and most likely every other human being. His gigantic paw of a left hand scratched his chin. [color=007236]"The name of the woman is Lucia Malena Scordia. She is quite young and lives in a mansion. I don't want you directly to contact here. Send someone with pleasant looks. She is supposedly a medium. Make a appointment with her."[/color], Samuel nodded and turned around to leave. [color=007236]"Oh and Samuel? Please make it clear to her that the appointment is too be this week and not up for debate."[/color][/center]