[@Preacher] I came on literally as you posted that [@Vocab] Hes pretty much right though. Cloning and genetic engineering are being worked on, but theres nothing to write home about yet. Although if you make a character involving one of these things i might be persuaded to let it by. As for factions... The new order are the government of this world, and...well...arent the nicest people around. First OOC post and the IC should give you more info on that. THe nexus are the most respected and widespread resistance faction. They are by far the only one though. The lost are gangsters. Simple as that. Nothing criminal goes on in the city without them having a hand in it. They have the sense to remain neutral however. Finally, the Cabal are the mysterious financiers and leaders of the former united resistance, known as "Utopia." Since...Utopia screwed something up very badly, as the first OOC post can describe, they have disappeared, with the New Order telling people that they are dead. . . . . . . . Another little thing about scouts and stuff. They dont just take technology. Anything that can tell them about old world culture is taken back as well. This includes books, music and even films. Yes, you can use a pop culture reference or two here. The New Order like to put the message across that their civilization is an improvement over the last one. Therefore, the works found in the wastelands are screened and edited first to make the old world look...not great. They go as far as to make the old world look like an unimagniable hellhole, but they change bits here and there. Subtly. Old war films and books are quite popular with the new order, as they barely need to edit them. This results in them being fairly popular in the city. The lost make a MINT selling unedited stuff that they manage to steal.