[hider=Appearance] [img]https://i.imgur.com/AyflNV2.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: Renata Castillo Age: Twenty-eight Country of origin: Spain Native language, accent (in English): Renata's native language is Spanish, so when she speaks English, she has a slight Spanish accent. Appearance: Renata stands at 5'10" in bare feet and 6" flat in her typical pair of heels. Physically, Renata is imposing, not only because she's taller than average, but also because she's far prettier. Her face, with its small straight nose, full lips, and bright blue eyes, seems fit for the cover of a fashion magazine; and that's because it is. Every inch of her, down from her wavy brown hair to her perfectly-manicured toes, screams high-maintenance. Renata makes a living contorting the long smooth planes of her body for a camera, and she sticks to a strict diet and exercise regimen in order to maintain a standard of perfection. At the moment she was sent back in time, Renata was wearing a plain black blouse, an alabaster blazer with three gold buttons and a zipper going down its front, dark-wash jeans with a zipper and a sturdy button, and shiny boots, also black. Strengths: Beyond the obvious physical beauty, even Renata's personality is sultry and seductive. She's charming and gregarious, but she's also quite cunning and emotionally intelligent. Renata's strongest trait is manipulating people and situations to her advantage. She also has a remarkable amount of self-control; a profession which requires strenuous daily exercise and a strictly-water diet before runway shows does that to a girl. Weaknesses: Catty and often selfish, Renata sees the negative in others before she sees the positive, and she's much more likely to ramble about herself than she is to listen to differing opinions. She cares little for other people on an individual level and, though she doesn't readily admit it, thinks herself superior to everyone both in terms of beauty and in terms of pure intelligence. Possessions: She carries a medium-sized purple purse (with several compartments) with 10 tampons, her car keys, a half-charged iPhone 6, a tube of sticky lipgloss and another of obsidian mascara, and a tiny journal attached, by string, to a rather fancy looking black ballpoint pen.