[@Serpentine88] It's not really hypocrisy on my part because if you'll recall, I was one of the ones that were really pissed off about the fairies. I almost left because of it. It's gotten to the point where provided they aren't my next door neighbor and I'm not constantly interacting, I'll just silently tolerate it. I don't like being that guy that whines about everything and shuts down every idea. What it comes down to at the end of the day is me seeing this as a pretty strict sci-fi dieselpunk environment, but others don't necessarilly share my viewpoint. I'm willing to concede that since this isn't my RP I can't have everything the way that I want, but at the same time I don't have to like every idea. You see where I'm coming from? [@Wernher] When you put it that way, I don't mind the dragons so much. But I maintain that the scales are still way too strong. Mithil is supposed to be like titanium; you say that the dragons could easily die if their scales were like bone, but in reality it's more comparable to the armor on a tank. Probably even better than what Willy's tanks have. So not only does this make dragons able to just roflstomp over all but the most powerful of weapons, it also gives you an armor plating that almost outdoes Willy's niched mithril in every way. Being unable to mold it doesn't matter that much seeing as you could just make lamellar quilts of scales to put over a tank and give it more armor than anything else and apparently with hardly any additional weight. In essence I don't think dragon scales should be heat resistant, stronger than mithril, and somehow even lighter all at once.