Well. That was an overly familiar tone if she'd ever heard one, Maia thought. It wasn't actually that surprising, considering he probably had more than a bit of history with the company, and the rest of them were pretty much fresh meat picked up from the grocer. Still. Something to note, if this arrangement became long-term. "Nothing I shouldn't. Ma'am." With that, Maia turned away, strolling up to Mad Dog. Sterling new machine, even with the bit of wear on it. And her customization. Well... if you could call it customization. Aside from the snarling dog face on the chest piece, there were other eclectic bits and bobs to it. Doodles, put down during a boring day of recon. Motivational sayings from former squadmates she refused to admit were near and dear. A bunch of inane scrawling that crossed down her FRAME with little rhyme nor reason, like she was looking at the walls of some loony in an asylum, defacing the walls of their prison. "Mad Dog" indeed. That brief bit of introspection and admiration finished, it was time to actually get to work. The cockpit wasn't exactly cozy. It was just the stock model, with the scent of cigarette smoke clinging to every nook and cranny. She'd thankfully cleared out all the bottles and cups from earlier, when she decided to enjoy her down time before the briefing. Having a bunch of crap rattling in your cockpit was possibly a safety hazard, and definitely a distraction. Speaking of distractions, the hangover was kicking back into full gear, pushing back against the aspirin with full, unrelenting force. SHe was never a fan of the whole "hair of the dog" technique, but hey, some things can't be helped. Maia took a belt from her hip flask, some low-quality rum she couldn't name in a lineup. She was so used to liquor of its caliber she was able to actively suppress her body rebelling against the toxic crap she was pouring into it. With a shake of her head, she surveyed the controls. Gauges were all normal. No overheating, readings were normal, reactor was as fresh as it could be. She remembered loading up with her guns and her rockets before the mission. No need to change, they probably weren't meeting anything heavy enough to need the extra firepower. "Leventis reporting. Mad Dog online."