[hider=Photo of Lyra] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ZlUL5Z8.jpg[/img][/hider] Race: Regular Human Apparent Age: 23-25 Actual Age: 20 Appearance: A young woman that [i]appears[/i] to be high-society Profession: Performer Possessions: Half-harp Skills/Magic/Talents: Strumming a song on her half-harp can inspire a friend with confidence Demeanour: Her dark eyes seem to have silent thoughts behind them, seeming more mature than her age suggests. but she can be lighthearted, especially when dancing. Lyra is a thorned rose. While charming and inviting, if you get too close, you'll probably get hurt. She's aware of her personality and is not sure how to change it, nor does she have the urge to want to. History: Lyra is poor, but she seems to trick nobility into thinking she's one of them by dressing, acting, and perfuming like them. Every month or so, she'll have a new suitor that's some noble's son, doting her in expensive gifts. Unlike other real noble's daughters, the gifts are all Lyra has to live off of. Dresses, perfumes, ointments, jewelry: She either sells them or uses them to lure money out of other rich people. She had a past of conning people out of their money, but she's decided to try to leave that in the past as she's gotten into some trouble for it. She changes locations often, and usually goes by a new name with different people she meets. She is usually given a place to stay by her suitor, typically a luxury apartment with a bellboy where guests leave a calling card on a tray and ring a bell in order to visit her. Side notes: During combat, I'm okay with sitting in the background strumming, so no direct turn for me would be required unless Lyra is attacked. With GM approval.