[color=lightblue]Full Name:[/color] Sweeney [color=lightblue]Age:[/color] 24 [color=lightblue]Species:[/color] Banshee [color=lightblue]Gender:[/color] Male [color=lightblue]Sexuality:[/color] hetero [color=lightblue]Appearance:[/color] Roughly six foot tall, give or take an inch. Two hundred and twenty pounds, solid, lean. Sweeney's eyes are bright blue with a golden ring around the pupils. His hair is a little long, and he rarely shaves completely. The color of his hair is somewhere between 'mouse brown' and a darker blonde. He also does the Clint Eastwood stare into the sun look pretty regularly, as his eyes are sensitive to bright lights and too much sun. [hider=Pics of Sweeney] [img]http://static.tumblr.com/k8czzjl/2yUlvtrwy/charlie.jpg[/img] Clint Eastwood stare into the sun 'I'm gonna explode your fucking vamp face' look: [img]http://i.imgur.com/LY4C5.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=lightblue]Personality:[/color] Sweeney is pretty easy to get along with. He's usually passive and doesn't judge and would rather his actions speak louder than any of his words. He's generally a follower but lately has been going more the lone wolf route. He attempts to be funny but usually has a dry sense of humor and a lot of times people think he's a dick. [color=lightblue]Backstory:[/color] Sweeney was born and raised by his mother in the 80's, but never knew who his father was. Only that his mother's job struggles constantly had them moving around a lot in Europe. After moving to the United States in '94, Sweeney overheard his mother say something about being 'tired of running' on a telephone call when [i]he picked up the other phone line.[/i] They moved between six states in the southeast United States in as many years. His European accent now something of an amalgam with a few different southern ways of speaking, Sweeney toughened up over the years having been bullied in school for being foreign and having to put up with kids talking trash about his single mother. On the night of his 18th birthday [in 2003], after getting into his first nude bar and blowing half his paycheck Sweeney and two of his friends were approached by several men in the mostly empty parking lot. The men were vampires, and after tearing his friends apart they disclosed that Sweeney was different. He had a different smell, and they wondered how he tasted. Upon attacking the young man he screamed at the sight of the vampire's teeth... and the one directly in front of him exploded. Sweeney was as shocked as the remaining vamps were, another came in for an attack and with another scream Sweeney blew off the left arm of the leather jacket wearing blood sucker. On his way home, Sweeney had no idea what to tell his mother. His friends were dead, he just killed something he was sure was a vampire like in the movies, and he did it with a sonic scream of all things. When he arrived home, covered in blood and still in a bit of a panic, the boy was speechless. His mother lied dead on the floor, a gaping wound in her neck and no real amount of blood anywhere near her body. It was the vampires, but why? Sweeney cleaned himself up, packed his backpack with clothes, and went to the bus station. He spent his last $65 on a bus ticket, telling the cashier at the ticket booth he just needed to get out of town and it didn't matter which direction he went. Over the next five years Sweeney traveled up and down the east coast of the US. Every time he tried to settle down, usually within four or five months, vampires would find him. It wasn't until recently bumping into a man named Rufus that Sweeney would find out what he truly was. Rufus explained to the young man that he was an old soul, the reincarnated spirit of a banshee. The fact he was male and not like the mostly female banshee spirits wasn't even that out of the ordinary to the experienced monster hunter. Rufus explained in Europe vampires were constantly held at bay by others like Sweeney. Reborn souls blessed with a curse to fight the darkness. Present day, Sweeney just parted ways with Rufus after receiving a letter at his hotel in Bristol VA. They were on the trail of what they thought was two alpha vamps recruiting for a small army, but the letter Sweeney received at his hotel mentioned there may be answers to his father's whereabouts at the location in the letter. [color=lightblue]Extra:[/color] Sweeney, as a reborn banshee, possesses a scream that can make vamps or whatever parts of their bodies in the line of fire explode. The scream also works like iron against spirits and dispels them. Everything else just becomes deaf momentarily, even those around him when he dispels ghosts or vanquishes a vamp. The banshees also possess healing abilities but it's a painful process, much different than the instant healing of angels. Sweeney has a weakness to copper and can't heal wounds made from copper as quickly as others. It's not uncommon to see vamps attacking Sweeney with copper wire wrapped around their fists. Vamps and Banshees can smell/sense each other, though most drone or noob vampires don't know about banshees. Only alpha vamps with ties to Europe know of their kind. Sweeney is constantly seen in beat up Chevy trucks. No telling how much money he has in the bank, or if he just steals them and then rides them to hell and back before getting another. Carries a pump action shotgun and a mid-evil style broadsword that weighs over fifty pounds in his truck for sticky situations after tag-teaming vampires with Rufus for four months. ~KL~