[b][u] Ren Young Ming [/b][/u][i] Ren's Flat [/i] Ren just had to be lazy. [b]"Damn... I feel like I'm missing something..."[/b] He yawned, then went to the thing someone would call a "living room" in his flat. In fact, you probably couldn't call it a living room, but more of a den, because of its size. It probably was the size of 2 pickup trucks, at the maximum. Ren slouched on his spinny chair, spinning around, and around, and around... until he got dizzy, and stopped. [b]I don't even want to draw, or even pl-"[/b] Ren's phone, a Samsung Galaxy, made a short but sweet "Old Spice" whistle, indicating a reminder. [b]"Dylan's weird gamer convention thingy... Today? Now? Oh shit."[/b] Ren dashed to the door, which he immediately flung open, and shut behind him. The door then opened again, and Ren dashed back in. He grabbed his soda and headphones, then ran out the door, shutting it behind him for good. He hopped into his Camry, then drove a few blocks down the street, aware that he would be late. He fixed his glasses above his nose, as they were drooping down, and Ren couldn't see squat. [b]"Calm down, you will not be late, or embarrased, or anything like that that would end out awkwardly."[/b] Ren didn't interact much with animate objects, and he mostly just drew or play Starcraft. But right now, he had to go out of his comfort zone.  8 Minutes Later [i]Dylan's Apartment Room[/i] Ren arrived at the apartment room, still in half-pajamas, very woozy from chugging his soda while driving. There was a blonde haired girl in the middle of the doorway, probably finishing some dramatic conclusion. [quote=Alexis]"I... HAVE ARRIVED!" Spreading her arms out dramatically, she grinned wildly at her audience. Her... Rather small audience.... Honestly, it was no surprise that her expression quickly turned to one of mild disappointment.[/quote] The pose she made was hilarious. It was probably as funny as seeing some guy rage while horribly failing at [i]Flappy Bird[/i]. Ren let out a small chuckle, and the girl sat down and ate nachos. A few more people entered the room, then Ren took off his shoes, as it is good manners in Korean and Japanese culture to remove shoes before entering a room. [b]"Where should I sit..."[/b] There were a few seats: Ren took one and saw soda and other goodies on a table ahead of him, so he stood up and picked up a soda.  [i][/i]  He then spotted the only person he knew here very well: Dylan. It was also relieving when he saw a few of the faces at computers: There was Jihyo, Elliot, Tyler, Kenneth, and more. He then saw the face of Alexis, and Ren thought himself an idiot for not knowing who the "blonde haired girl" was. Ren let out a sigh, before taking a drink. He smiled. [i][/i]