Whitewave was waiting in washington. The agency he was with had a set of super siblings, one could speak with computers and the other could sense other supers. One would find a name then the other would dig up all the data and an agent would be sent to intercept to assess threat. It wasn't presidential detail, but it was the groundwork for something new. A very rich person had been pinged with power of probability so he was sent to Seattle to be selected. He got work at a local pound to put his power and skill set to use while waiting to be 'found' by this new cell. It got him a little extra money while in a government leased one bedroom trailer, leftover from a pre-paid operation left over from early completion. You would be amazed how many homes are left empty on the market because the pencil pushers paid for a place that never got used in the first place. All the same he was on a coffee break watching the rain fall for the sixth day running as he talked to dog leashed to a pole. It was a pit in a fishermans slicker looking utterly ridiculous but training was training as he tried to evolve his skill from domination to communication. ~who are you?~ [color=a0410d]"I'm cold."[/color] ~What is your name?~ [color=a0410d]"I'm wet."[/color]~Not helping.~ [color=a0410d]"I'm sorry."[/color] This one sided conversation ended when the owner came and collected her furbaby to keep on with the rest of her day. It was at this moment that someone sat at the table across from him. {open for character insert here}