[img]http://i.imgur.com/GqjwzzK.jpg[/img] The dark, quiet ocean was dead. There was hardly a breeze, and the wine water almost as flat as glass until Zerra threw in a stick just to mess it up. “He made me wait here… [i]Again[/i],” Zerra huffed. While she liked helping Boss rob inter-oceanic banks, she didn’t like waiting for them to come around. She had to sit and watch, tapping her fingers against the sides of the cutter-class miniship. “Any minute now…” she pouted. She’d been upside down for about twenty minutes, with her legs over the chair and blood rushing to her face with rusty binoculars that combed the still ocean waters. There wasn’t much wind, so the cutter would be able to catch up with the Bank-owned Galleon that has been rowing itself with oars for the past couple of hours. Her lithe legs in the air, that were covered by two different colored stockings: one leg black and the other purple, waved through the fresh, salty, warm night air. She was DYING of anticipation. “UGHHHH… [i]oh[/i]?” She spotted a light in the distance, it was the Bank! Zerra cackled “OH this will be good. Petty little cannons. They shouldn’t pose much of a threat if she steers towards the corner where they’re not pointing. Boss should be stowed on board already, I can’t wait to try out the new toy he gave me. Zerra took out a small brown box and opened it once again to make sure that the gadget was still inside. She still wasn’t completely certain what it would do, but she was told when and where to use it, and that lots of colors would come out! Exciting! Putting on her goggles, she steered the cutter to begin to follow it slowly.