[hider=Conner Flynn] [center][h3]{Conner Flynn}[/h3] [i]Rider of Axis[/i][/center] [b]APPEARANCE—[/b] [img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/bb30/f/2011/224/5/1/anime_man_by_cresk95-d46c7oc.png[/img] At 6' 9", Conner is much bigger than most men. (Ignore the patches of green around his chest area). [b]AGE—[/b] 45 Bonded for 27 years [b]GENDER—[/b] Male [b]HISTORY—[/b] Conner grew up on a farm in the Lowlands, with his father being both a farmer and a doctor, and his mother a dragon rider, partnered to a Two-Headed Dragon. Conner learned the ways of the land and of the human body, while also fascinated by the stories his mother gave him. Life was fairly simple for Conner when he was a boy. Get up early, tend to the land, tend to injured people should they come, have hearty meals after long periods of work, and rest at night. Once Conner reached 13, he was chosen as a potential candidate to be a dragon rider. Often he would go to an egg he was assigned to, but just as often the egg would hatch for someone else. Although Conner was saddened by that, he was also glad to be able to tend to dragon eggs, feeling a strong sense of responsibility for each one. However, once he turned 18, there came a day when a dragon egg finally hatched for him. Conner was glad, and also shouldered the weight of the responsibility that was given to him. Many years passed, and Conner lived a decent life, always doing his best to make sure everyone around him was happy. He managed his time between working the land and training with his dragon as best he could. Things could not have been harder and happier at the same time for him. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse when the rain was late. Conner could only watch as the land turned dry, and his crops died. He began to despair; how was he going to make a living now? Then came the summons for him and other dragon riders. [b]PERSONALITY—[/b] At first glance, Conner appears to be a big scary man with a big scary attitude. Conner knows this, and is not afraid to use that image if the need arises. However, underneath that hard exterior is a soft and gentle giant. Conner greets people with a smile and a kind glint in his eyes. He treats everyone and everything with gentleness and kindness. Just don't get on his bad side. After all, a man his size will always be dangerous to others. [b]TALENTS/SKILLS—[/b] [list][*]Has considerable strength and stamina, which is appropriate for one who has been farming the land for years. [*]Knowledgeable about medicine and first aid, and his bond with his dragon certainly helps. [*]He's not afraid to sit down next to someone and strike up a conversation. [*]Surprisingly decent with a shield in hand.[/list] [b]FLAWS/WEAKNESSES—[/b] [list][*]Prefers to use words as a weapon rather than steel. He's more of a lover than a fighter. [*]Big and strong he may be, but he is also a bit slower than most. [*]He's big, so he's not one for being stealthy or the like.[/list] [hider=Axis] [b]NAME—[/b] Axis [b]GENDER—[/b] Male [b]BREED—[/b] Angelwing [b]APPEARANCE—[/b] Appearance-wise, Axis isn't really much different from most Angelwings. He is, in short, quite average. [b]PERSONALITY—[/b] Axis is more aggressive than most Angelwings, going so far as to even badly wound others. However, Axis only does this to defend himself and Conner, and always heals the aggressor if he goes a little too far, but not so much as to make the wounds disappear. [/hider] [/hider]