Aura listened to the other girl's introduction closely and smiled when she finished, looking back up at her. She had been referred then, but she wasn't a member yet? Well, that simply wouldn't do, or at least not according to Aura. Of course, first she wanted to finish this conversation, so she nodded along. Looking at the girl, she noticed her eyes lingered on not only Fisk and Armin, understandable as Aura had been pretty fixated when she first saw the pair, but also on Aura's own pistols. She giggled softly at this, the girl must not've seen a gun mage before. Aura drew one pistol in a fluid motion, causing several nearby members to gasp and start to whisper, perhaps suspecting that a fight was about to brew. She flipped it in her hand so the barrel faced her and the grip was towards Vocalia. She gave a light smile and said "As I'm sure you can tell, I'm a gun mage. I also practice requip magic, so I have a few other weapons too. If you want, you can hold it, as long as you treat it carefully it'll be careful with you." She then added "I think you'll like Fairy Tail if you decide to join us, as bad as it may seem with all our members, they're actually really nice, we're all family here." Aura wasn't sure why, but she really liked this girl, Vocalia. With a slight tilt of her head, she added "Oh! And if you are worried about friends, don't! If you do want to join us, and your scared about taking a job, then don't! If you want, I'll even go on a few jobs with you." Aura felt it was her duty to help the newer members of the guild, hence the reason she was offering this. Still extending the pistol to Vocalia, she let her smile brighten ever so slightly. With that, she finished "And don't worry about getting in, as long as you have a good heart, the Master will let you in, and something tells me you don't have to worry too much about that."