Name : Cryslia Age : unknown older then earth and the sun and Hell itself Race : Crysal Arcangel of divine protection Powers : Crystal Creation - create crystals from nothing or the surrounding environment and use them for a variety of purposes. Crystal breath -is able to project an array of crystals from their mouth, the more deep breaths the user takes, the stronger the crystal when it is exhaled. It would be considered. Crystal attacks -Attack using her crystal attacks Aniaml understabding and Aura - This ability is quite uncommon and multifaceted. Some variations are magic-based while others are natural talents or mental powers, similar to Telepathy (but limited to animals). The use of Zoolingualism is sometimes imagined as imitating animal sounds, like the barking of a dog. Zoolinguists are normally shown her abilities in her native language, in an animal-language (like Parseltongue or Mangani), or even mentally without any spoken words. She is able to understand animals in every imaginable way, which results in enormous knowledge and foreseeability of their actions. [img][/img] Her disguised form, comes to people in dreams [img][/img] [img][/img]