She was hidden from the eyes of mankind but she was well aware of what was going on though her form she took was that of a golden lion that walked through the forest at her own leisure. Her eyes watched the village and cities from high above on the cliff face her form hidden from all eyes. She sat there and watched all the men and ladies and the panic they were in. There was indeed a great evil that lurked close by and it scared everyone to think that their town could be next to fall prey to it. But only hope she left to them was a large crystal rock that glowed sharply with the words. [CENTER][i]Seeking Crystals, Seeking Lights ASeeking the shadows seeking the bright'I shall await, i shall call My powers from the stones and from the north A star will come, a crystal shall merge only a heart of gold can reveal The archangel once more to the men of earth Crystals are bright yet sharp The angel is no different[/i][/CENTER] Most people believe they have seen her but in real life no one had truly seen her and no one could unless they had a pure heart and one not for self-gain or for themselves she only appeared before those willing to lay down their lives for their friends and familes if it meant for them all to be safe. She sat on the cliff in her lion form with a sigh escaping her lips a growl slowly came forth before she settled down and watched them all struggle.