[hider= Counselor Merryll Centrella] [b]Name[/b]: [indent][i]Patricia Taylor Centrella[/i][/indent] [b]Age[/b]: [indent]25[/indent] [b]Description[/b]: [indent]A NEST Agent that was stationed in Anchorage, Alaska, that, after a particular incident, she was assigned (I.E Demoted) to a Camp Counselor at ThinkerRock. And nothing makes her any less pissed off about it. However, she warmed up to the job. Patricia is mostly the one that keeps the campers in line when they get too rowdy - restoring to her power if necessary. Patricia is a very fit African-American woman due to years of training as a NEST Agent. She keeps working out whenever she gets the chance. What accentuates her figure is the fact that she is rather tall for a woman. Curvy too. Her skin is a darkbrown color, and her hair is black. She usually dressed in a camp uniform.[/indent] [b]Powers[/b]: [i]Earth Manipulation.[/i] [indent]Patricia has the ability to manipulate Earth. Being soil, natural rocks, and pure metal. She can use this ability far as the eye can see.[/indent] [/HIDER]