The sound of footsteps echoed on the corridors of the old monastery as Apophis once more made her way through them. Her heels clacked against the stone pavement in a quasi-rhythmic way as she looked around with her uncovered eye, while she liked her fingertips idly. Eventually, she spotted the garden from one of the windows and noticed that some of her... companions were already gathered there. [color=92278f]"I might as well go there too..."[/color] Apophis said to herself, just before she noticed a duo of guards commenting about her from behind a nearby corner. [color=92278f]"Do you... want to have some fun, mister? It might be your last, but I'll make it good."[/color] Apophis said as she closed her lips in a near kiss, after pinning one of the guards to the wall. The poor soul was almost relieving himself off in his armor, while his friend could do very little other than stare at Apophis is a catatonic daze, when she moved away from him, after getting so close to deliver her deadly kiss that he could feel the warmth of her breath on his mouth. [color=92278f]"You shouldn't desire things that you can't touch, mister. That is, if you want survive on this world..."[/color] Apophis said as she licked her index and ran it through his torso and face, stopping just before reaching his mouth, just before letting him fall to the floor, unable to sustain his weight, since his knees were feeling like jelly. [center]•••[/center] A few minutes later, Apophis would arrive at the garden and, after looking around, she decided to sneak behind Natsuo. [color=92278f]"Hmm..., what's is that you're doing?"[/color] Apophis asked as she coiled around the tree and tried to peek at his book, while bringing their faces as close as it was safe to. As she waited for a reply, Apophis looked around the people in the courtyard and commented [color=92278f]"Certainly, this place is more lively than usual... I wonder what is going to happen?"[/color] while licking her fingers slowly.