[color=004b80]"Oh hey there Miss Apophis."[/color] Natsuo said with a kind smile though he wasn't really happy to see the woman he supposed it was about that time of day when he had to converse with his 'family'. [color=004b80]"Nice weather huh? This book here is about a orphan who finds a new family only to have it stripped away from him by an evil duke. I'm reading it to get an idea on how an orphan who has been wronged may act. You know planning ahead for roles really helps with the process of tricking people."[/color] Natsuo said happily as he turned his head upward to look at the woman and put his hands behind his head. [color=004b80]"As for the guys and gals around here? Well we got missions planned up. Xerxes is a bit interested in getting rid of some names while Esdeath's death squad is in shambles. Who else gives more of a damn about what we could do? Hell I bet the minister thinks those murders last week were Night Raid's doings...heh they never suspected that I wasn't a cadet. That guard captain hassling our contacts won't be a problem anymore. Too bad he didn't last too long...poor guy and his men...eh not really they were whoring bastards anyway."[/color] Natsuo said indifferently as he giggled. [color=004b80]"Oh by the way you look pretty today. New lipstick or hair style or something?"[/color] Natsuo said as he giggled to himself childishly. He didn't really care what she looked like but that's what women liked to hear right? He was in a good mood. And why wouldn't he be? He was safe, he had a job coming up, and life kept on keeping on during a beautifully shiny day.