This is an idea, that I have had for years. It never worked out because I always tried to make it a large thread. Although, From looking at it from another point of view I figured out it could possibly work as a OneXOne thread. There would be quite a few NPC's to make it work, but for the most part it will be mainly told from the two main protagonists and the two main antagonists. That being said, I shall get to my actual idea. [u][b]The Plot[/b][/u] No one knows exactly where it comes from, no one knows when it started or how it came to be. As a matter of fact no one even knows when It comes to town. One moment an empty field, the next a beautifully erected Circus. It is Cirque de Sombre RĂªves, The Circus of Dark Dreams. A seemingly innocent circus, with amazing food, intriguing shows, beautiful attractions, and so much more. But when the gates close at Midnight, you're trapped and there is no getting out. For this is not just your average Circus. It is a place of Magic and Poetic Justice. It draws people in from all around in, but only the innocent leave unscathed at Dawn, their memories altered, and those who were slaughtered for their sins, simply forgotten, erased from history. The Circus's Inhabitants are immortal, a gift bestowed upon them by the Ringmaster and his wife Petite Morte. And although all of them look young and the epitome of beauty, no one has been recruited to the Circus for sometime, the last member to have joined was in 1926, a magician and illusionist. This is where our story begins. Everyone thought it would be just another night in the Circus, just another show with more bloodshed. That is until a certain unusual red head by the name of Zoe Lucile enters the gates and captures the hearts of not only Petite Morte and the Ringmaster, but another. I will be playing the roles of Petite Morte and Zoe Lucile. Just the characters have to be male, if a girl is interested and wants to play The Ringmaster and The Other Male, I don't care either way. I am looking for someone to play The Ringmaster and the other male lead. What he used to be was the King of Clowns. But, I want to give the other person more of a free rein to choose. Other NPC's will be controlled by the both of us as we see fit. Now I the idea is half baked, but I don't want it to solely be my idea. I want me and whoever joins me to just build on it until it grows into something of both of ours. These are just the bare bones to see if anyone is interested. SO if anyone is interested please post here or PM me. That also goes for any questions you may have.