Geralt knew not of what happened for he was deep within the forest, his forest green eyes looked about him in wonder, though trying to find the Lion some of the townsfolk talk about. His sandy-blonde hair gleamed within the rays of light that shined down. His sword swayed side to side a little with every step he talk. He had felt that he had been walking for what felt like hours, hard to keep track of the time of day, wondering what seemed like an endless forest that seemed to catch his attention here and there, the small critters he would see and run away at his presence. Though later while on his search, of which Geralt just decided to walk aimlessly, in hopes to find this lion. He then stopped before looking around him. "Wait. I got this all mixed up! It will be impossible unless I find the Lion till I find the rock that if Legend is right, will lead me to find her. Of course they never said where it was exactly..." Geralt then kicked a pebble. "Dang it!" He then closed his eyes and took a deep calming breath. "It's okay. You got it. You should know the Legend by heart, now focus." So Geralt walked on till he found a small pond and relaxed against a tree. Taking a break wasn't going to be so much of a bad thing. 'Slow and steady wins the race.' Though he guessed it was a race. A race against time. A great evil was consuming villages and towns and his was next. He wanted to protect his friends and family that he would do anything to save them. This was why he was searching for the Archangel.