[center][i]“The street is no longer measured by meters but by corpses ... Sluiss is no longer a city. By day it is an enormous cloud of burning, blinding smoke; it is a vast furnace lit by the reflection of the flames. And when night arrives, one of those scorching howling bleeding nights, the desperate few plunge into the Aglov and strain to gain the other bank. The nights of Sluiss are a terror for them. Animals flee this hell; the hardest stones cannot bear it for long; only men and machines endure.” [/i][/center] The campaign for Sluiis had begun with swooping three dimensional envelopment's of the Droid armies in their detachments scattered about the planet. The Legion had used its Orbital supremacy and the mobility their fleet of dropships provided to over the first week of combat reduce nearly every single detachment of CIS forces over a regiment in size into scrap, orbital bombardments and fleetfooted strikes crippling and then crushing them. However the main Droid army was left untouched, The 811th Droid Army stationed in Sluiss itself, The Droid army was entrenched with Sluiss and in the interest of not causing further civilian casualties Joachim decided to not use orbital strikes and then the other assaults to conclude before tackling this bristling array of turbolasers, droids and layers of defences packed into the tight and narrow confines of a city. Now those other assaults were winding down, the last operating Droid army on the field, the 982nd, wiped out in the Keffyi Mountains and the Legion began preparing to take the city. Overhead in orbit the Legion's fleet moved in, their distinct arrowhead shape just visible from the ground while all around the city a ring of steel was steadily thrown up by the Clones and their local auxiliary Sluissi forces. ------------------ [Legion Headquarters outside Sluiss Van] The officers filed in one by one, the air was tense as they assembled, Master Hoch was about to announce the final troop deployments and issue them their objectives before they finally began to assault the city. They already knew the general plan, split the city along the Aglov and then use the major roads to continuously separate and then defeat the CIS in smaller and smaller and further divided areas. The question though was who and where. Finally the last officers arrived and took their seats as Master Hoch turned on the Holo projector and began his talk. "...Our assault shall begin at 0400 hours sharp, under the cover of an intense aerial attack the 2nd Battalion shall strike down the SL-12 highway and into the city along it, meanwhile the Alpha, Charlie, and Foxtrot assault companies of 1st Battalion shall effect an aerial operation to secure the rooftops and highrises along the SL-12 to the Aglov. Once these two forces have begun their operations our battle tempo must speed up, the 1st Battalion will join the 2nd and drive for the Aglov." Joachim halted the briefing for a moment, looking at his officers sternly, "gentlemen we must not allow ourselves to be bogged down, the droids outnumber us and in the tight streets they will be able to bring this to bear on us."