[center][img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/1bbc/f/2011/203/6/d/dr__doom_by_gantzerfoforo-d41c4k7.png[/img][/center] "Enough!" The Dooms surrounding the Rhino all let loose energy blasts at once forcing the beast to the ground. A concentrated E.M.P burst eminated from the centre of the circle where the attacks all met when colliding with Rhino, the blast knocking out all the systems in the airport including the equipment weilded by the Sokovian military. The Dooms however all remained standing. One of them moved to the centre whereas the others returned to where the jet was now returning to land. Surveying the Rhino he signled something out, grabbing a chip and then ripping it of the suit. Little did those on the airport know this was being broadcasted live to Latveria and surrounding nations, it would only be a matter of time until it was cast worldwide. "This country, Sokovia. A gem on the European continent has seen enough bloodshed. Enough war. The Government has betrayed it's people and it's neighbours. I will be dispatching forces to disable any and all facilities or personnel utilizing stolen Latverian Technology. Once that is done all over the country I shall set up safe zones for votes to join the new Latverian Union. Should the people wish it I will then step in to aide this country, and once it is liberated with as little bloodshed as possible elections will be held to appoint it's own leader. Until then-" He pointed towards Latveria. "Anyone seeking refuge is welcome to enter Latveria and shall recieve the warmest of welcomes until the country is stabilized. Worry not about your luxuries, I had hoped to announce this at the UN conference however I will announce it here." Back in Latveria Doom stood onfront of the control console, directly controlling the actions of the Doombot. He hit a button and the entire country lit up. The Doombot back in Sokovia, being recorded by one of the other bots, spoke when he did. "Latveria is now fully powered, I know some abroad question my leadership in the fact that I do not even offer people electricity but now it flows free all over Latveria. The reason it took so long is I wanted to ensure that everyone recieved this luxury and [i]right[/i] at the same time." The bot turned back to the Soldiers. "You too, should you chose to stop serving a corrupt Government are welcome to lay down your arms, and welcome in Latveria or if Sokovia choses to join my new Union you will still be welcome here. You are merely men and women trying to help make your country stronger. Do your service to your fellow countrymen, and I respect that." The bots slowly filed back into the jet. "Any Sokovian soldier who wishes to lay down their arms, has twenty-four hours to do so. However, I will also try my best to ensure that no-one is harmed in the fight against the corrupt Government. There are no [i]acceptable[/i] losses, and no [i]acceptable[/i] collatoral damage. Any damage done will be repaired no matter Sokovias decision, and any loss of life will be extremely regretable. Thankyou." With that the Doombots turned and entered the jet. Letting go of his control of the bots he just sighed. His plans had... temporarily been delayed. However that was only a temporary setback. Nothing he couldn't handle, now for his next plan... He could do more than one at the same time afterall. For he was Doctor Victor Von Doom, ruler of Latveria and the (He was sure) soon to be quite prosperous Latverian Union. He'd let his message settle in first, and then he'd speak to other neighbouring countries. He was sure they'd be more than willing to join. Feeling left out by the EU and the rest of the world. He'd represent the little man, his plans were coming to fruition. [center][img]http://i.annihil.us/u/prod/marvel/i/mg/5/03/5457d626c1018/background.jpg[/img][/center] The Quinjet landed on Heli-Carrier Alpha. He wasn't entirely sure on the name, the other ones were Hermes and Luxor. Alpha... it just wasn't nearly as exciting. Despite the fact that he was based here and quite a few of the other more powerful gifted were. Such as Agent Parr- Valkyrie. As she had apparently called herself. That would get some getting used to, he hadn't chosen his own name. He wasn't entirely sure wha the would chose if he had to pick his own name. He had been Agent Wilson and then when they found the shield of Captain America buried in the ice he became Captain America. There was no time he had really chosen his own name. He'd probably chose the name of some form of bird of prey, that would probably work. He just sighed when he saw the General wading towards him. [b]"Agent Wilson-"[/b] Well, at least that suggested what mood the General was in. It wasn't even [i]Captain[/i], let alone [i]Captain America[/i]. At least he wasn't just calling him Soldier, or Wilson. That'd be really bad. Wilson stood at attention. "Yes Sir?" Ross pulled out a file and threw it against Wilsons chest and Wilson braced against it to prevent from being pushed back. [b]"This is yours. You trained her, you know what she did? She let the Hulk go."[/b] Wilson just gave it a quick glance. "I am sure there is a reason behind it, in fact I am about to go see Agent Parrington herself, Sir." Ross just shook his head. [b]"I know you're working on a little project, [i]Avengers[/i]. I want Hulk to be a priority for that team."[/b] Wilson shook his head. "We aren't forming to tidy up after your mess, Sir. With all due respect." Ross paused for a second as he obviously had to collect his thoughts. [b]"You will go, and do what you are ordered to do Soldier. Don't think you're so untouchable just because you carry that shield. Don't forget who you work for, I'll be in touch."[/b] Wilson went rigid and offered a salute before walking in the opposite direction grumbling. He soon learned however, that Valkyrie wasn't in her room. She was instead in one of the main med bays. He found out why when he entered and he just sighed. He was really hoping Hyperion would go to see the kid. At least Fury had agreed only to ask him to be a consultant. He wasn't entirely sure how he felt about taking a kid into a fight after all. "Agent Parrington, good to see you. Though I have to ask, Mr.Stark what are you doing here?" [center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/logocomics/images/b/b0/Guardians_of_Knowhere_(2015)_logo.png/revision/latest?cb=20150309210137[/img][/center] "I am pretty sure this Kree has the power to hurt you, or damage you. However exactly that works. They've wiped out several planets but since you guys seem to have a lead on him already... I guess we're all in this together. At least for now. Where too then?"