[center][h2]Logging On.[/h2][/center] It had been a week since The Catastrophe happened. A broad sense of confusion permeated throughout the new denizens of this world, but in just a few days, their confusion had turned into chaos. On the second day, someone ventured out and proceeded to get murdered by a giant boar. Luckily, they awoke a few minutes later in the Cathedral. It was at this time that the PKers knew that they could murder pretty much anything without repercussions. They took to outside of the city and murdered any unfortunate fool who ended up crossing paths with them. Their reign of terror quickly came to a close as the largest guild, the Kings, began to patrol the outside. Of course, the Kings said it was for safety, but in reality, it was because there was nothing else to do. Food tasted like wet crackers. Drinks tasted like wet crackers. Wet crackers tasted like soggy bread. It was a mess. Though the Kings patrolled the wilderness outside, PKers still managed to evade many of these patrolling parties. Most People of the Land, fearful of the life, took chance of this somewhat peace and retreated to the town of Yeneva. Because of this, Landers had no more authority in Seven Hill. Only the odd merchant or stubborn old person remained in the city. The Kings, being the largest guild in Seven Hall (and Western Europe, for that matter), quickly gained a good reputation of heroes among the lower level players. From this trust, they built up a pretty large following. They tried as hard as they could to prevent player boredom, but most attempts didn't quite work. Still, the other Adventurers were impressed by the amount of determination they put into said attempts. Most players applauded these efforts, as they were a nice diversion, even if it were only for a single hour. Still, most people followed what they said. They made for great leaders (for the time being). Luckily, PKers were slowly stopping out on their own. Unluckily, this was because of pure boredom. The vast majority of people were bored. There were no flavour this world, both literally and figuratively. People left the town to hunt a few weak beasts down to get enough coins for food and bunk, then they did nothing for the rest of the day. Most conversation topics were burnt out within a few days. Most conversations went in a series of almost prerecorded messages, always repeating whenever people spoke. It was like a corporate hell. None the less, a single guildmaster had a plan to stave off this boredom for the people. [hr] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QWqRZRZ074][h2]In the Central Plaza of Seven Hill[/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/RbnzYAt.png[/img][/url][/center] Two figures stood outside of the central guildhall. To the front of them was a plaza. Unlike the overgrown appearance of the nearby areas, this plaza was well groomed and taken care of. Small metal gates surrounded properties while old metal streetlights would reveal the surrounding area at night. To the back of them was the central guildhouse, but more importantly, something that looked like a small wall covered in a large blanket. [url=http://i.imgur.com/9PsqVi7.png?1]One of the figures was what appeared to be a little girl, no more than 14 years old.[/url] Her armour was a rose-red, carefully made as if certain bits of it were cloth. Gold emblems were to be found around the armour, but the most prominent part about the emblems were the German flags placed just below her shoulder and on her weapons. [url=http://i.imgur.com/NwSCEkZ.jpg?1]The other figure was less distinguishable.[/url] His figure was shrouded by a thick layer of what appeared to be plate armour, but due to some error of the developers, the armour was classed as a chain armour. His armor was also a platinum-silver colour with simple golden outline. He wore a cape along with his armour. It appeared that, out of the two, he was the more sensible one. [color=f6989d][b]"Think that this would actually work?"[/b][/color] said the smaller figure. [color=ccffff][b]"Methinks it shalt."[/b][/color] said the larger figure. It was at this point that anyone eavesdropping would learn that he didn't know anything about Shakespearean English and that the little girl was the sensible one. [color=f6989d][b]"Alright, everyone listen up!"[/b][/color] The small figure viciously proclaimed. After a brief period of silence, she turned back to the other figure. [color=f6989d][b]"Kingsly, they aren't listening."[/b][/color] [color=ccffff][b]"Methinks they shalt, Charlotte."[/b][/color] Kingsly spoke. [color=f6989d][b]"Please don't do what I think you're going to d-"[/b][/color] [color=ccffff][b]"HEARKEN UNTO ME, MY BRETHREN!"[/b][/color] [color=f6989d][b]"God dammit."[/b][/color] [color=ccffff][b]"THOU ART TWIDDLING THINE THUMBS! HOWEVER, WE HATH FIGURED OUT A SOLUTION! MEETETH THE MISSION BOARD!"[/b][/color] Kingsly exclaimed. He then turned to the cloth behind him and pulled it as hard as he could. The cloth didn't come off. He tried harder and harder, until... [i]Riiiiiippppppppp, crack, thud[/i]. The cloth was torn and the wooden mission board's posts were broken in the process. A period of silence followed as Charlotte silently walked over and picked up the broken board. She then planted the board back into the ground, making it much lower than originally planned. Charlotte silently left, leaving Kingsly behind. [color=ccffff][b]"Goeth nuts."[/b][/color] He said before chasing after Charlotte. [hr] [center][h2]On the outskirts of Seven Hill[/h2][/center] The outskirts of Seven Hill were quite dangerous. PK guilds, despite being few and far between, monitored this area. The overgrown trees covered the area. Visibility was difficult. The sun had been blocked by a maze of branches, preventing most light from touching the surface. Behind a set of large trees appeared to be two People of the Land. One appeared to be a merchant. The other was cloaked and thus unknown to what they did. They began to speak with each other. Their conversation was short and quiet. [color=fdc68a][b]"Are you sure? They're violent..."[/b][/color] Said the merchant. [color=a187be][b]"All the more reason to."[/b][/color] The cloaked figure responded. [color=fdc68a][b]"But-"[/b][/color] [color=a187be][b]"We need them."[/b][/color] [color=fdc68a][b]"... I'll do my best..."[/b][/color] Without any further conversation, they both left. The cloaked figure sulked out of vision rather quickly. The merchant, however, was also lost in the thicket, but [url=http://safebooru.org//images/1552/6a4ce7c0628f8185111607fb7c0ac24a4e6284eb.jpg?1626018]anyone watching could see his face dully illuminated by what little sun shined through the trees.[/url]