[color=0054a6]"Huh? What aren't we family? Salvation has to stick together we're all we got until we finish our mission. Even if you don't I consider you all kin just as much as blood. Even if you're all creepy or grumpy except for Solanne, The Boss, and Nako."[/color] Natsuo said as he spoke truthfully to his senior member. It may seem childish but if you didn't trust you team how could you get anywhere? Sure it was nice to have caution but if all you held in your mind was distrust then you're doomed from the start. The world didn't look kindly on the paranoid. [color=0054a6]"Anyways though you're welcome and I'm sorry that you're getting impatient. Just give The Boss credit: He never gives us a half assed mission."[/color] Natsuo said and when Apophis went away he turned backed to his book. He wondered if the woman actually even liked him at all or felt him to be a pain. No matter what though he was glad he still had friends in Nako and The Boss. The Boss liked his work ethic even if he found him in need of a lesson on how to kill people quicker. Natsuo liked to hurt people to make them understand what being hurt really was. The weak who hurt the weaker deserved to know pain. It was only natural they suffered in their last moment like they made the others suffer. And Nako....Nako was the closest thing he had to a aunt here. She was sweet, gentle, kind...and she had been with him since day one here in Salvation. A constant that he'd never forget. [color=0054a6]"So Augustus...let's see how you deal with the duke's visit..."[/color] Natsuo said as he turned the page in his book.