[quote=@Mihndar] As much as I hate to criticize another socialist nation, some of this technology seems too advanced. Your population is rather high, but that's appropriate as long as you're a relatively undeveloped nation. First of all, tilt-rotor aircraft were invented in the 70s or 80s if I recall, and if you have aircraft you should probably only have comparatively few of them, and your tanks appear very modern even if you don't have any death walkers or things like that. However, this is Willy's area of expertise, so I would invite him to suggest a more compatible technological level. The idea is that the other continents are "colonial", at least somewhat less developed areas and your nation seems to be both large, populated and of comparable tech. I'm not asking you to revert to biplanes and those treaded monstrosities we call WW1 tanks, but just some sort of meaningful step backwards in the level of military tech and industrial development. As long as you're not as well developed as the other nations (as I enumerated to combo move) it seems perfectly fine. [/quote]I take it as the appearance of his tanks is more of an aesthetic than implying he has MBTs this early. Same with the Osprey lookalike. From what I read his tanks would look much more like this: [hider=BT Tank][img]http://flamber.ru/files/photos/1211922554/1232651061_g.jpg[/img][/hider]Maybe with a slightly larger build,less crowded crew compartment, bigger gun and the unreliable Chrissie suspension replaced with torsion bars. Basically a true "cavalry tank" or at best the idealized T-34s as popular media makes them out to be (which they never were, T-34 and reliability are two different terms). As for tiltrotor compared to all the weird technologies those are hardly anything big. And as the wiki link Combo Move showed they were technically a possible vehicle even in the 30s. They just never were interested in it and the reason is somewhat obvious. They have harsher weight limits, engineering demands and poorer aerodynamics. Besides you need at least two engines which makes them big compared to what they needed as the "compact ship launchable aircraft" so yeah, it didn't really catch on. Albeit in this setting where you can put aircraft engines on your legs I think they could be made much more viable. Still, the complexity makes them more expensive than comparative aircraft. [@Combo move]My only problem is that you never mention under whose colonial rule you were. That'd be pretty important history wise and similarly with the culture. Also I may be just slightly blind because I can't see your map claim anywhere. On the other hand, yeah. Being a nerfed USA of this settting can make sense. But again, who was your "Britain"?