[quote=@Combo move] [@Willy Vereb] The only map I could find was the one on the first page, detailing existing nations. If the placement is not an issue then yes, I'd love ideas thrown my way. I mean, I've went on that pirate pad three times now and no one is ever there to work out history... [/quote]I suggest making a PM discussion between you, me, Isotope and Serpentine88. That's the surest method. Anyways, basically Yllendthyr had a rivalry with Verendes and didn't mind giving up some of their areas in order to weaken their enemy even worse. Thus the elves supported your war of independence which was also a proxy war between Yllendthyr and Verendes. In the end you became an independent nation while Verendes grew weaker and this eventually resulted in Ceresia similarly becoming independent and Verendes losing its old status as one of the largest powers on Earth. [quote=@Combo move]All of this hinges on the nation being accepted though. [/quote]Read between the lines. You are practically accepted already. Only need to work out some details.