[hider=Akashiya Uchiha ] [CENTER][img]http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/1/14761/849013-motoko_6.jpg[/img] "For years I had to live in fear. Afraid of what happened if they found out I'm still alive. This ends now. The world is mine." [IMG]http://i46.tinypic.com/xclv9d.png][/IMG] Name: Akashiya Uchiha (At the start of the rp, she will hide the fact that she is an Uchiha.) Nickname/Alias: Akashiya Bloodmoon, Akasha, Aki Gender: Female Age and date of birth: 16, August 13th (on a friday) Age Appearance: 18 Sexuality:Bisexual Parents: Lilith Uchiha (mother, Dead), unknown rapist. Length and build: 1m75, Slim but strong, average length. Weight:65 KG Favorite weather and season: She appreciates both spring, as she loves seeing blossoms fall, but she is also a fan of snow. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] Village: Konohagakure Birthplace: Konohagakure, grew up in an unknown village with samurai. Organization: Shinobi Forces Clan/Bloodline: Uchiha/Sharingan (hasn't truely appeared yet!) Rank: Genin Chakra Nature: Fire/Lightning [IMG]http://i46.tinypic.com/vmspdd.png][/IMG] Appearance: Average length, she is quite lightweight. Her black eyes resemble her Uchiha heritage, though she doesn't realize she is one herself. She is really proud of her waist-length black hair, she thinks its her signature feature of her own body. She usually wears a black-white kimono combined with the usual ninja sandals and her shinobi headband from Konoha. [IMG]http://i45.tinypic.com/23msj6g.png][/IMG] Personality: Due to her past, Akashiya is used to have no friends. She is quite the loner, but she is friendly. Really friendly. This is due to her clan's Curse of Hatred. If the person she likes dies or wounded however, she snaps. You could consider her the famous "Yandere" type of person, but she isn't as extreme as most Yanderes are. She has respect for her opponents, as she believes that she has the potentional to become the next hokage. She is a calm person, though she gets heated in battle. She quickly trusts strangers, which is a good and bad thing. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] History: Akashiya has had a cruel past. Her mother was a very weak person, and she was very weak. Once, during a dark night, Lilith was traveling to a local village owned by samurai. While traveling there, she was assaulted from behind, and raped. She actually passed out from the attack. When she woke up, she was in the village of Samurai. She soon realized what happened, and due to her injuries she was unable to walk. The samurai took care of her, but soon after she gave birth to Akashiya, she passed away. The samurai decided to threat Akashiya like one of them, not knowing what clan she was from. Akashiya learned the way of the samurai, becoming an apprentice in Kenjutsu. The samurai were quite impressed by her talent in sword-fighting, she had a lot of talent for a shinobi. Around the age of 14, Akashiya was dueling one of the other samurai, when she suddenly used some kind of genjutsu. Her eyes turned red, almost like a sharingan, as she created some kind of mirror image of her sword, making it close to impossible to block the attacks. That night, during a meeting, the samurai came together. They had no idea what kind of jutsu that was, but they knew for sure that she could be a great shinobi. After a week or so, they decided to tell Akashiya the news: She was unique, and she was better off as a shinobi. At first she refused, but she later on realized that it was better. They brought Akashiya to the village of Konoha, who hesitated at first, but when they explained that she had already shown talent in genjutsu, they decided to take her in. Her first year at the academy in Konoha was hard, as she never used any jutsu as far as she was aware. Her second year however was quite easy, as she ended up being a genius. She was one of the best in her class in most areas besides Kenjutsu, where she was the absolute best. Akashiya later on heard that the Samurai village she lived in got attacked, nobody survived. Akashiya realized at that time that Konoha was her home. It took her a while, but at her age of 16, she finally managed to become a proud genin! (Poor Akashiya, she doesn't even know what her future of being an Uchiha will bring her...) Theme Song: Battle:[url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ka9qDAII-c[/url] General:[url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5e_cbtp4Yo0[/url] [IMG]http://i50.tinypic.com/2h5tkk2.png][/IMG] Weapons/Items: Katana Name of Weapon or Item: Katana Description: Famous weapon used by japanese warriors in history. Appearance:[img]http://casiberia.com/img/prod/sh2294.jpg[/img] [IMG]http://i50.tinypic.com/15qxeus.png][/IMG] Skills/Abilities: (Things they are good at also include things they are poor at. Helps with training) Her skill of Kenjutsu is way above that of others her age, even among samurai. She has a natural talent for Genjutsu. Her ninjutsu skill is quite low, due to never practicing it. She never uses Taijutsu. She relies on her katana a lot. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] Special Traits: High chakra levels, has a natural talent for Genjutsu, she is talented at Kenjutsu. She hasn't awaken the Sharingan yet. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] Kekkei Genkai: Sharingan Traits/Abilities of Kekkei Genkai: The Uchiha clan are most feared for their dōjutsu kekkei genkai, the Sharingan. They can use their Sharingan to see chakra, cast various genjutsu, and, most infamously, copy opponents' jutsu. The Sharingan is such a versatile ability that many ninja consider it wiser to flee than to face an Uchiha in one-on-one combat.[14] Sharingan can be evolved into Mangekyō Sharingan by experiencing loss of a loved one, granting the user new and more powerful jutsu. Overuse of the Mangekyō eventually robs the Mangekyō of its sight, something that can only be restored by receiving another's eyes, preferably a sibling's, to create "eternal" Mangekyō. The Mangekyō's mechanics were long poorly misunderstood by the Uchiha, causing many to personally kill their loved ones to gain power. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] Jutsu: Canon Jutsu: Academy Basics [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] Custom Jutsu: Name of Technique: Sword Flicker Technique Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu Rank: B Range: Long Range Nature Type: None Handseals: None Description: Her eyes turn slightly red as she focuses on her sword, making the one she faces in battle think her sword is at another place than it actually is, faking the position of the sword. This causes strain on her eyes, and if she uses it too much in one day, she slowly starts losing sight and eventually becoming blind, aswell as causing physical pain to her eyes. This is easily recovered by taking a rest in the early stages, however the higher stages require medical attention (its cureable though). Weakness: It requires the user to focus on his/her blade, the opponent to look at the caster, and it causes strain to the eyes besides costing chakra. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] [/CENTER][/hider]